2017.7.4俄服论坛上的QA 日常砍成智障
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战舰世界 2017.7.4俄服论坛上的QA 日常砍成智障
Q1/2:How many 12x16 inch battleships on T10 is enough to stop spewing them out?(yes, I'm salty about yet another Montanoid)
A:Hi. Let's keep the salt deep in salt mines for now. As you know, RN BBs are currently in testing, including Conqueror. She can be released with only one gun config, or with both. She can be released with or without Radar. The point of testing is to determine such things and to minimize substantial changes after release. BTW I'm sure you understand that 457 mm is not going to create Yamato effect. AP overmatch is 31.9 mm, while high tier BBs have 32 mm plating. But of course 457 mm config may be interesting in other respects. We will see...:)
A: 让我们现在先把这些玩笑话放到一边。正如你所知,皇家海军战列舰目前正在测试中,包括征服者。当她被实装时,她可能只有一种火炮配置,也可能有两种;可能有雷达,也可能没有。测试的意义便在于决定这些并减少实装以后的数据改动。另外,我确信你已经明白了457mm不会有大和那样的众生平等效果。它的口径碾压仅为31.9mm,而高级BB船头外板有32mm。当然,457mm火炮配置可能会在其他方面十分有趣。让我们拭目以待。
Q2/2:Is there any chance that you will adjust the overmatch formula so that the cutoff for releveant overmatch thresholds doesn't fall between two very similar in game calibers? Doesn't make a lot of sense that a 460mm gun would be so much more effective in game than 457mm while in real life there would be no such distinction.
A:Never say never, but for now, I'd say "no, no chance". Many things in the game make little sense if we judge strictly from IRL perspective.
Q:Does the MM choose the map based on the matchup? E.g. many DDs in a match, let's go for a map that suits DDs more. Or is it completely indepentent and a map is choosen (more or less randomly)?SOURCE
A:MM map rotation is independent.
Q:Torpedo with 1 km range and 0.1 km detection is much better for Khabarovsk. What do you think?
A:Khabarovsk has some issues with over-performing - it's not a secret. While working on her, we would like to nerf her additional powers, not the main feature. This is why we addressed rudder shift first, and now addressing the torps. The remaining torps would become last chance weapon - and we think it's fine for this ship. Additionally, removing these torps from her would allow us to buff these exact torps on Ognevoi, who despreately needs buffing (and what's important, needs torp-buffing, because yes, she's Soviet torpedo boat).
Q:Has anything changed that could affect aiming? Immediately after the patch, my aiming seems to be quite off. I lose a lot of shots that i wouldn't normally. I haven't changed anything personally regarding settings or crosshair.
A:Hello. No, but It won't harm if we double check accuracy stats across the servers to be sure nothing is broken. Are you talking about 0.6.7 update?
Q1/2:Since the patch update 0.6.7 with the new lighting effects the AP shells and their tracers have become quite invisible/really hard to see on some maps making it extremely hard to dodge, angle etc was just wondering if and when this will be fixed ? I'm a cruiser main and tier x bb shells hurt
A:Honestly, I haven't heard much about the issue with tracers for now. But we'll keep an eye on it. If this problem is real for a decent number of players, it's worth working on. Thank you for the tip.
Q2/2:With the recent buff to battleship Montana and the release of rn bb are there any plans to buff/change Yamato ? Her original heal was fantastic but got nerfed she is the only battleship at tier x that cannot show side at all because of her high riding massive citadel I'm presuming which is incredibly easy to hit in bb and even in cruisers you are basically left with 6 guns for the most part of the game.
A: Yamato does not feel like a weak ship, honestly. Her caliber and nice accuracy are her main benefits and they probably keep her quite good stat-wise. We'd not touch her in her current sate. Sorry.
Q:My question is about the AP bombs that arrived with Enterprise, I've played her a bit and I like her, although the AP bombs feel a little hit and miss, either delete or overpen damage. How do you and the dev team see the AP bombs in their current state? Will they need adjustment before making it to the other tier 8+ US CVs?
A:Overall, we don't think AP bombs are that random. They are comparable to AP shells, but there are nuances: especially, the importance of horizontal armor on different ships. I think players need to get used to it a bit, and probably there will be more prediction. As for planned changes of line CVs..we will see. Obviously bombs can be not only 500lb:)
Q:Why did you guys just flat out removed Montana and Iowa's above-waterline citadel? Why wasn't cutting the height by half not an option for a huge change like this?
A:Hello. Ship parts are determined by armor layers. We cannot change these volumes regardless of armor. That would be highly illogical.
Q:Why do Taiho and Hakuryu have 25 mm plating covering most of their hulls? It makes them immune to DD-calibre HE shells and all other high tier CVs only have 19 mm plating. Is this a conscious design decision or an oversight from back when HE mechanics were different?
A:Hello! It is an oversight of legacy settings. We will look into it and take action. Thank you very much for your attention!
Q: Are there plans to sell the Albany alone on EU in the future? She is/was in offer this weekend in the NA Store and I had the misfortune to not play when she was given away & to get the other ships during GNB. So...will she be sold at one time in the future?
A (by Tuccy):These small rare ships pop up from time to time - unfortunately cannot tell you when or how will she appear, but with time she should pop up again :) For now, July will bring another rare piece - theSmith marathon!
Q: 有没有计划未来在欧服单独出售Albany? 她在这个周末在NA商店是礼品船,但在GNB期间被送走被其他船只代替,我很不幸地错过了她。 那么她将来会出售吗?
A: 这些稀有的船只偶尔出现,很不幸不能告诉你她什么时候或怎么出现,但随着时间的推移,她应该会再次出现。现在,七月将会有另一件稀有的作品 - theSmith marathon!
Q:My question is regarding Akizuki. Before stealthfire was removed she was my favourite "have fun and relax" ship. She was quite a nuisance and I agree with removal with stealthfire but now I find her bit lacking. You can't anymore hose people with shells nonstop or you get spotted and I feel like that has reduced her effect on outcome of the battle and people don't grind her to torp ships. Also she is clumsy for DD which makes you easier target for return fire. On top of that, Akizuki is rather slow so she cannot run from some cruisers and DDs. I feel like people play her lot less nowdays. If I recall correctly you guys (WG) said that you look into her if she needs buffing but I haven't heard anything regarding that so are you people now happy how she is? Personally I would be happy to have her as tier 9 or 10 ship so I could mount reload mod to compensate for the loss her ability to hose people with her puny shells.
A:Hello. Stat-wise, she was heavily over-performing among other T8 DDs, and now she's simply one of the best. Actually, we're fine with it.
Q: 我的问题是关于秋月的。 在去除隐身炮之前,她是我最喜欢的娱乐船。 但她现在简直鸡肋。我同意去除隐身炮,但我总觉得现在她有些不足之处。你不能再通过不停炮击来洗甲板,否则你就会暴露,我觉得这影响了秋月掌控战局的能力,另外她也不太适合雷击。此外,她作为DD很不灵活,更容易成为被反击的目标。 除此之外,她的航速太慢,以至于她跑不过一些CA和DD。我感觉现在秋月的出场率降低了。如果我没记错,你们明斯克航天局曾说,你们会关注这艘船是否需要加强,但是我至今还没有听到任何消息,难道现在你们对她现在的情况很满意? 就我个人而言,我很乐意让她成为9级或10级船,那样我可以安装鱼雷再装填消耗品来弥补她的弱火力。
A: 坦白说秋月在8级DD中表现很出色,现在她是表现最好的一个。事实上我们对她十分满意。
Q: Can we have more gun configuration (i.e. choice of 155mm or 203mm for Mogami) for existing silver and premium ship. I for one appreciated the choices of guns we can use on the recently released harekaze. The 1941 blyskawica config automatically comes to my mind.
A (by Tuccy):Problem with this is that in most cases, where such thing was done, it required a major reconstruction even if on paper ship was designed for it (Gneisenau) - Mogamis were about the only class that was really designed that way (And then there was the Hipper class proposed for the USSR that was supposed to have triple 15cm instead of twin 20cm guns). Heck, even just moving from open aft mounts to enclosed ones on US destroyers brought need of bigger changes (reducing torpedo armament etc.). Blyskawica also had to undergo more substantial rebuild while being upgraded to 4x2 4" HA/LA. Harekaze has the luxury of existing in a slightly more relaxed world of anime
Q: 对于现有的银币和金币船,我们能否有更多的火炮配置(例如最上可以选择155mm或203mm)?我赞赏在最近发布的晴风(萌豚服特色)上我们可以使用的火炮的选择。在我的脑海首先浮现的是1941年闪电的配置。
A: 问题是,如果这样做了,在大多数情况下,即使是在图纸上就如此设计的船也需要重大改动(如格奈森瑙)—— 最上是唯一一个真正这样设计的级别(然后是为苏联设计的那艘希佩尔海军上将级(译者注:吕佐夫号,后更名为彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克号)应该是3联15cm主炮,而不是双联20cm的主炮)。 即使是美国DD由敞开式到封闭式起重机的改动,也将带来重大变化(减少鱼雷装备等)。 闪电升级到4x2 4“HA / LA时也必须经历更多的重建。晴风是幸运的,因为她存在于二次元的世界当中。
Q: Recently WG EU released a list of upcoming British BBs in their July calendar post, which officially included the (KGV class?) 'Monarch'. What is the intention behind this name? Are you allowed to say if this is a placeholder name? Is there a reason this was not called 'Duke of York' or 'Prince of Wales' instead?
A (by Tuccy):While I'm not Sub_Octavian, let's pop in. Bear in mind that whatever is currently out there (including names, tiers, armament) is subject to testing and changes - we included Monarch more because we knew the name will get datamined anyway ;) While the real designs (well, sometimes with hypothetical inter-war facelifts, but still real) are not likely to change say main armament, obviously, even there there can be things that would change - and the projects / "paper ships" are even more susceptible to shenanigans... So I would recommend not to read too heavily into that, as the final truth may be significantly different than speculations floating around. Just wait till the line is presented in full
Q: 最近,WG欧洲分部在其7月份的日程表中公布了即将到来的英国BB的名单,正式列出了(乔治五世国王级?)“Monarch”这个名字。 这个名字背后的意图是什么? 这是否是一个占位符名称? 为什么不称之为“约克公爵”或“威尔士亲王”来替代 ?
A: 虽然我不是Sub_Octavian,让我们来看看这个问题。请记住现在的任何东西(包括名称,级别,武器)都要进行测试和更改——我们使用Monarch这个名字,更多是因为我们知道玩家会通过名字来推测数据(译者注:这句话不太翻译得来)。 虽然真正的设计(有时虽然会加入假想的在战争期间的两次整改,但仍然是真实的)不太可能改变主要武器,但显而易见,有时候事情会改变——而那些仅存于项目或图纸中的船甚至是更容易受到改动……所以我建议不要过度解读,因为最后的真相可能与猜测有很大的不同。你只要等英战线全部实装后就好。
- (2025-02-20) 得梅因?真不熟!烟里输出的203炮你见过吗?
- (2025-02-20) 咱的钱就是硬通货!聊聊明朝的那些钱!
- (2025-02-19) 时代变了!406狙击炮也能让咱在海上横着走了!
- (2025-02-19) 硬核狠人,“一天击沉一艘船”?
- (2025-02-18) 406“天下无敌”?还是HL系“四橘子”指挥官?