[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15
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战舰世界[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15
Q: Where is the carrier rework that was promised before "any more premium carriers"? We've gotten Kaga, Enterprise, and Graf Zeppelin is just around the corner.
A: I really doubt there was a promise not to release carriers before rework.
The point was we were not concentrating on new carriers because there were some major issues with them as a whole. This includes: UI problems, in-class balance problems, lack of tutorial/learning curve problems. These things, along with others, lead us to very global and serious question "Are we sure that existing CV/AA concept should be just tuned and tweaked or we need a global overhaul? And if yes, should we try to introduce it in a couple of big updates or to make it gradual?".
For now, we fixed the major part of existing UI problems, which was the main blocker for releasing new CV content. USN/IJN balancing is WIP, and can be expected within several updates. Tutorials are being worked on, however, simpler stuff like movement and basic gameplay should be done first. As for global rework, this is a tricky one. Any major rework will be a stress for old players, so if we are going this way, we must be absolutely sure it is for good. Now, we don't have any concept that we like THAT better, than the existing one, but we keep thinking about it. And in the meantime, we aim to make various smaller quality changes to the existing CV mechanics, in evolutionary, not revolutionary way.
Q:你们以前还保证过在CV修改完成之前不会有“任何的金币CV放出”。结果现在你们已经出了Kaga,Enterprise和Graf Zeppelin这些船。A:我真的不觉得我们那么说过。现在我们关注的并不是新的CV,因为目前所有的CV都存在着一些相同的问题。其中包括:UI的问题,同等级之间的平衡,缺乏教程导致的玩家水平不一。这些以及其他的一些问题将我们引向了一个十分严肃且十分重要的问题:现在的CV和防空设定是应该调整修改还是应该彻底重做。如果是,那我们是应该逐步修改还是应该一步到位?现在,我们已经修复了UI的问题,为我们推出新的改动打开了大门,日航和美航的平衡正在做,预计将于最近几次更新中实装。教程也正在做,但是那些简单的东西,比如说移动或者简单的游戏操作当然应该先做好。至于大的改动,这个就比较复杂了。大的改动肯定会让老玩家感到紧张,所以我们如果要那么做,我们就必须确定这是绝对可行的。现在,我们也不觉得我们觉得那个更好,但我们会一直关注这个问题。同时,我们追求的是以渐变的而不是颠覆性的方式对目前的CV机制作出大量的但是细微的调整。
Q: There were a number if glaring balance problems since last year, mostly about how USN was terrible when compared to IJN due to inflexibility and inconsistency vs key targets like DDs.
Instead, we got ammo buffs... which did not help much when it truly came to winning (it primarily benefited good players when whacking enemy planes since the "less skillful playerbase" normally lost his fighters before using even half the ammo)
A: Well, lack of flexibility is the exact main target for upcoming USN CVs changes.
Q: What determines the krupp value for AP shells? Also, why do British BB's have such low krupp values? ThanksA: Roughly speaking, Krupp value is used in our ballistics model to have the desired armor penetration value for different shells on different distances. And the "desired penetration value" here is the value that is as close to IRL as possible, because this is one of the game aspects we seek to keep realistic. So, this is just a tool for achieving needed shell performance.
Q: For your new development blog how much information are you planning on giving with it? Will it be showing only changes for the next patch, or will it be further down the line (like 2-3 or even 5)?
A:I plan to talk about the changes starting from ST phase. Commenting on more distant things does not makes sense, as too many changes can be done even before ST.
Q: Hi Sub, thanks for taking the time to do this. I'm not sure if this has been officially confirmed anywhere, but can you say whether or not theConquerorwill have the option of both the 419's and 457's?
Bonus if I may: Will theVanguardbe a future premium?
A:We know about some players who want to have 4x2 457 option, and we will consider it.
Bonus: it is a possible option for the future. Thank you for your question.
Q: When using the catapult spotter plane, is the shell trajectory any different from the normal view?A: No, it only naturally differs when you are firing at longer range, no special tweaks are applied to it.
Q: I thought Scharnhorst put paid to the idea that a BB couldn't be balanced and fun for it's tier with sub-tier firepower? If 9x11 inch works at T7 surely 10x14 inch can be soft statted to work at T8?A: Scharny has much more features than sub-tier firepower to be viable. I do not underestimate the playerbase, but I think if we designed the IJN branch from the start right now, with all past experience, Izumo would be different or wouldn't be there at all. It is a good, but very demanding ship. Thank you too:)
Q:BBs are still massively over-represented in the MM and game line-ups. What are the plans to deal with this? Surely not adding another line of BBs and nerfing smoke? Is it WarGaming's belief that battleships are over-represented because the class is overpowered or because people just enjoy the power of commanding a battleship?
A:There are two questions here, actually: about BBs and about planned smoke changes. Let's take them separately.
High BB population has two main reasons:
1. Big and iconic ships. Not everyone wants to play big ships with big guns, but this really contributes.
2. High survival abilities with high firepower - due to IRL natural specs. Of course if we were making fantasy MMO, we would try to avoid combining high tankiness with high firepower, but hey, we cannot give BBs 127 mm main guns and call it balance - because World of Warships is heavily based on history. We also cannot make them as powerful as they were IRL and limit them in some other way (for example, economically), because the core concept is the interaction of 4 peer game classes with as few artificial MM limitations as possible. Hence the gameplay limitations we have in core design: average accuracy, very limited secondary guns, fire & flooding mechanics, etc, etc.
There are two main directions we are going to keep BB in line and to keep the balance healthy:
1. Paying more attention to other classes. If you go through patch notes history over a year, you will find quite a lot of DD and cruiser buffs, and quite few BB buffs. They were not always direct - for example, new commander skill system actually favoured BBs less, forcing them to spec and be less universal. As for direct buffs, many cruisers were made much more viable.
2. Adding more counters to BBs, especially to passively playing BBs. AP bombs are one of the first implemented weapons, and they have all chances to be introduced on more CVs: Enterprise is kind of testing ground here. We think they are good, because they a). make horizontal armor count more in the game and b). due to stretched ellipse are more efficient against more stationary targets. We have two more BB-specific counters in development, and some other ideas in concept stage. This path seems slow, but healthy and user-friendly, because it can not only contribute to class balance, but also contribute to game diversity and other classes gameplay.
BB population itself is stable, without any growth over last year. To address this question I double-checked the popularity data from August 2016 to this date, and I can say that BB population fluctuates around 35%, depending on server, tier and month. However, even 35% is a bit too high - in our mind, the ideal number is 30%.
对其他舰种的加强。如果你去看看过去一年的那些更新你就会发现很多的DD和CA的buff和很少的BB buff。这些也不是直接性的—比如说新的指挥官技能让BB的获益减少,使她们专精于某一方面。至于那些直接性的,很多CA现在变得更加适合环境了。
增加更多的对抗BB的武器,特别是对付那些消极作战的BB的武器。AP航弹就是最早被实装的一个武器,而且它们会被装到更多的CV上:Enterprise就是这种武器的一个试验场。我们觉得AP航弹不错,因为a).使水平装甲在游戏中发挥了更重要的作用 b).拉长的散布椭圆使它更适合对抗那些不怎么移动的目标。我们现在还有其他两种对付BB的东西在开发中,另外一些还在概念阶段。这个进程看起来缓慢但是对玩家比较友好,因为这不仅可以促进舰种之间的平衡,也可以保证游戏多样性和其他舰种的游戏体验。
Sub Q: This is all excellent, and thanks for the detailed reply!
One quick question though, if there are 4 equally important game classes, shouldn't the target population for any given one be 25%? Why target 30% for BBs?
A:By equal I don't mean equal by number, but equal by opportunities and quality of life. We don't expect and don't want 25% of players to be interested in CVs - they are like a game in a game thing for more strategy oriented guys. Cheers!
Q: Why does the Kagero (and Akatsuki, to a lesser degree) have so little gun range? Up-to-date balancing or a legacy setting from before the stealth fire nerf? Stock gun range progression through her line is as follows:
Fubuki: 10.5 km
Akatsuki: 9.4 km
Kagero: 8.6 km
Yugumo: 10.9 km
Shimakaze: 11.4 km
A:Because basic firing range is calculated by universal formula (with FCS specs in mind), and then altered only if really needed gameplay-wise. Here, it is not needed gameplay-wise. The same reason Fuso stands out in range.
Fubuki: 10.5 km
Akatsuki: 9.4 km
Kagero: 8.6 km
Yugumo: 10.9 km
Shimakaze: 11.4 km
Sub Q1: Thanks for that information. So both get the same value as if they are spotting alone?
Sub Q 2: Does spotting bonus apply only when target is not visible to shooter? For example if enemy you are spotting fires its guns becoming directly detectable by the other ship shooting at it, the spotting bonus no longer applies?
A:Yes, if the shooter can see the target without your help, you don't get a bonus for the damage dealt in this state.
Q:Are you planning to introduce another premium Polish ship? Possibly Wicher-class destroyer?
A:Not in the near future, but hell, I would LOVE to play Wicher (and also Wicher-II: Assassin of Battleships and Wicher-III: Wild Torpedobeat).
Q:With the introduction of AP bombs on US CVs T7 and up, will the Saipan recieve them as well or not given the unique nature of the DB squadron?
A:Saipan, in our opinion, does not need any buffs or additional diversity.
Q:Why do Émile Bertin and Duguay-Trouin have no access to the Engine Boost consumable? Logically, if speed is an asset of the French Cruiser line then Light Cruisers of the French line should also be able to use Engine Boost at a lower level(i.e. 10%).
A(Vessery):We don't want to give low-tier ships so many consumables. Our plan is to introduce with new opportunity for players on high-tier. Both cruisers have plane, hydroacoustic search and good speed for their level. This set of consumables is enough.
Q:为什么Émile Bertin和Duguay-Trouin得不到引擎增压。从逻辑上来说如果说fa巡的优点是速度快,那么轻巡也应该得到水平稍低一些的引擎增压(比如说10%的)
Q: How can you allow a biased map such as "Strait" in ranked play. C cap is further from spawn than A cap, among the obvious advantages the northernmost team has for grabbing B cap.
A: Heya! Asymmetrical maps don't always give obvious advantages. For now, as I can see, the Northern team has slightly lower WR. The map will probably be tweaked for better balance, but overall, your impression that the Norther team has better conditions is wrong. I was surprised myself!
Q: As someone who bought and loves the Duca d'aosta, purely for the commander's voice alone, are we going to see any more Italian ships in game any time soon?
A: Some Italian ships are in development plans, unfortunately, I cannot give you ETA without official announcement. But yes, we are definitely going to see more Italian ships in game.
Q:有些人仅仅是因为指挥官语音而买了并且喜欢Duca d'aosta,我们以后会看到更多的意大利船吗
Q: Question about the smoke changes. Where does the Kutuzov fall in all this? Cause if you are afraid of IFHE cruisers in clan games being the meta in giant blobs of smoke, it's one of a few cruisers capable of generating that smoke on it's own, if you aren't wanting like an IFHE Chapy parked in that smoke farming damage, isn't that what the Kutuzov basically is?
A: If we're doing global changes, I doubt there will be any exceptions. As I said, IFHE + smokes combo is too strong, and it hurts competitive meta according to our obvservations AND player feedback, and here the ship doesn't really matter - it can be Kutuzov with her own smokes or Chappy parked in other smoke - we are going to find a way to reduce the efficiency of this combo.
That's going to be fair, because at the same time, BBs (who are the main targets for IFHE) will lose the ability to safely shoot from smoke whatsoever.
Q: Why Jack Dunkirk and not William Tennant, or at the very least Dunkirk Joe (which was his actually nickname)?
A: Legal reasons. We'd love to, but licensing such characters is surprisingly hard:( I'm glad we managed to resolve all issues with Yamamoto, by the way - there was a chance of failure too.
Q:为什么敦刻尔克的奖励是Jack Dunkirk而不是William Tennant,最起码也要是Dunkirk Joe啊(事实上是他的昵称)?
A:法律问题。我们当然想那么做,但是要得到使用这些人物的批准其实是出人意料的难:( 我们很高兴可以解决关于*****的这些问题,其实这本来也很有可能失败。
Q:I can get behind the line if Nelson is released as a permanent campaign reward or a Free XP purchasable ship.
Such an iconic ships should to be available to all the player base.
A: No, they shouldn't. There should be balance in premium/regular iconic ships, because we need to release iconic premiums in order to be profitable and develop the game further on. Nelson is a T7 ship, no matter how it is distributed, it won't be cheap (in terms of money) or easy to get (in terms of free XP or task difficulty).
Q: To Wargameing a few questions, How do you determine the range of guns for secondary guns in the game as balanced? For example, why is the 5.9” guns of the top tier German Battleships have over 11 kilometers in range max when the 6” guns on Nelson is projected to be about 7 kilometers max? Why does the tier 9 German Battleship not have the name Ulrich von Hutten or Götz von Berlichingen? Why does the Wyoming and the New York and Texas not get their float plans? Is it because of difficulty rendering them on turrets? And lastly why does the Hood not get the four torpedo tubes that she had when she went down? I know that hood is spec’d for AA in game but historical the UP rockets were terribly and would have been removed. I believe the hood’s torpedoes would help her in close combat. Thank you
A: Hello!
Secondary gun range is pure gameplay/balance.
Sorry, but why should it have such name?
Yes, right now we don't have the mechanics of turret catapult, and it is not a priority.
We don't implement fixed torpedo tubes in the game.
Yes they probably were, this is why they are more like panic weapon to debuff bombers drop:)
You are welcome!
Q:顶级德战的5.9英寸炮(150mm)有超过11km的射程而纳尔逊的7英寸炮只有大约7km的最大射程?为什么9级德战不叫做乌尔里希·冯·胡滕或者格茨·冯·伯利欣根?为什么怀俄明、纽约和****没有水上飞机(译注:mdzz原文float planes少打一个e,我还想了半天这什么鬼东西)?是因为把它们实装到炮塔上很困难吗?最后,为什么胡德没有她沉没时所拥有的4根鱼**?我知道胡德在游戏中获得了AA的特化但是历史上她的防空火箭很糟糕,甚至可能将要被拆除。我相信胡德的鱼雷能在近战中有所帮助。谢谢。
Q: Question : Why do you hate the players?
A: Answer: We don't. You should get some sleep, your question is psychedelic. I am worried.
There was also a discussion about BB AP damage to light targets, especially DDs.Well, honestly, we still need more specific data inquiries to be sure, but overall, there are no signs of any changes or bugs. We will continue the research, because we want to be 100% sure. However, it would be good for balance to reduce BB AP damage to light targets, to force BBs into more shell choice, and to reduce the “Devastating Strike” feeling for DDs and cruisers. There are many ways to do it, but the most logical (at least this is our conclusion for now) is to update underwater ballistics model. Point is, the problem is not with simple overpens, it is more with regular pens, when heavy shells arm at water and then explode inside a DD or light section of a cruiser, dealing significant damage. To change this, we need to rework a section of ballistics, which is, honestly, quite scary (being one of the most complex game mechanics), but doable. We will start working on the prototype very soon, but I don’t expect we’ll manage this in 2017.ETAlooks like mid-2018, as there are a lot of work to do, and a lot, A LOT of testing to conduct before we can even try implementing it.
In the meantime, other workwill go on, so that huge ETAdoesn’t mean we won’t address BB balance in other aspects. Underwater ballisticsis not the only thing that can be changed for good– on the contrary, quite soon, a couple of important features will be delivered, and they will contribute to inter-class balance in a positive way.
之前也有一个关于BB的AP对轻甲目标特别是DD的讨论。老实说,我们还是需要更多的特定的数据来进行确认,但是通体来说,这应该不是bug。但我们会继续进行调查以保证100%的准确。但是,减少BB的AP弹对轻甲目标的伤害是有利于游戏平衡的,这样可以让BB进行更多的弹药选择,也可以减少DD和CA的那种被“Devastating Strike”的感觉。有很多方法来这么做,但是其中最符合逻辑的(至少是我们现在的结果)是更新水下弹道模型。重点在于,问题一般不是简单的过穿,更多的是正常的击穿,就是重型炮弹在水中击穿并在DD和CA的轻甲部分爆炸,造成显著的伤害。为了改变这个,我们需要调整一部分的炮弹弹道,这东西,说实话,挺吓人的(这是最复杂的几个游戏机制之一),但是也是可以完成的。我们很快就会开始制作原型,但我并不期望我们在年内把这个做出来,这个估计要到2018年中期才会出来,因为我们不仅有很多事情要做,而且在我们尝试实装之前还要进行一大堆测试。
Q: Please clarify the positions of the tiers 7 and 8 RN BBs, and let me re-iterate that putting such famous and anticipated ships as Nelson or 14" KGV behind a premium paywall will not go down well among the community. Why do we need Monarch at all, when we already have plenty of ships with 2 armament choices of different calibres? Just balance KGV for tier 8 and give it both the 14" and 15" (or 16") options.
On the same vein, why does every line need to be so unique to the point of being gimmicky and inconsistent? See RN CLs. I feel that if you pursue this strategy for too long, you will rapidly run out of ideas and harm the game balance. I do not mind if a line is a near copy of an existing one, the historical relevance and appearance of the ships alone is enough distinguishing features for me. I just want reliable and simple RN BBs with no fancy toys.
Thanks for your time
A: I cannot 100% confirm the final line-up for RN BB branch. However, I can say that Nelson being premium and King George going to T7, being replaced with Monarch, have major gameplay reasons:
King George does not look good on T8 in terms of firepower, while it looks absolutely adequate for T7.
Nelson is a fine ship for very good players, but being in the branch, it has all chances to become a breaking point, where the major part of playerbase will stumble. Of course we would like to have it in the branch as iconic ship, but gameplay should come first. We do not expect Nelson to be good source of income, because premium RN mid-tier BB niche is already occupied by Warspite and Hood, and the point here is not to earn extra money, but to release a line which will have nice progression for all players. Who knows, maybe Nelson will remain premium, but with some other means of distribution...we'll see.
While the final decisions are not made, I can say that after testing different loadouts of RN BB, we're slowly coming to the conclusion this branch may not need any "gimmicks" to be viable. We will be considering basic BB loadout for it, with only advanced heal being "consumable gimmick".
Thank you too for good questions of immediate interest.
A(Tuccy):To expand on this from the historical point of view: "Just balancing KGV for Tier VIII and give her both 14" and 15" options" would mean she won't be KGV as built anymore (as the 3x3 15" was alternative design to the 3x4 14", ie the KGV the Admiralty wanted and before being cut down to fit in the tonnage limit). So... Effectively what Monarch is. Now there would be few options (making the "real" KGV stock configuration, for example)... But their result would be nobody really playing the famous historical configuration (say what you will about "historical enthusiasts for sure would", when it comes to winning and progressing, players generally do not stay on Stock longer than they need to). So... What is more important for you? To play a King George V in the proper configuration... Or to have King George V as a name on Tier VIII? ;) As it works in the tree that can be constructed from the previews we released (mind you: nothing is final until the release - you can remember swaps in the RU or IJN DD lines even quite short time before release) you would get the "real" KGV on VII and the "ideal" KGV on VIII.
A(Tuccy):从历史的角度来拓展一下这个问题:把KGV放到8级然后给她14寸或者15寸炮就代表着这再也不是曾经被建造出来的那艘KGV了(3x3 15寸是3x4 14寸的一个替代性的设计,也就是说本来海军部期望的KGV后来被削成这个样子来满足条约的吨位要求)。所以把Monarch放在8级肯定更好。现在的选择也不多(比如说把“真实的”KGV作为白板船体)。但是这样只会导致没什么人会认真地玩这个著名的历史配置(你会说什么“历史爱好者肯定会”,但是关乎到胜利和进度的时候,玩家几乎都在可以过白板船体的时候就过去了)所以,什么对你来说更重要?去玩一艘配置合理的KGV?还是一艘8级的只是挂了名的KGV?:)当她们按照我们之前放出的预览图出现在科技树中的时候你就可以得到真正的KGV和之前的“理想的”KGV。(提醒一下:在正式放出前什么都是不确定的—你还记得二线日驱和毛驱在放出前不久还改过)
I thoroughly disagree with this.
KGV can easily work at T8, just buff her firepower. I admit she is in an awkward position, but surely small buffs to KGV firepower, to allow Nelson in at T7 is better, than Nerfing KGV to T7, and adding a paper ship?
I do not believe you. Nelson is one of THE iconic ships of the RN, it is clear that money is the motivator for making her Premium. Why on earth would Nelson be a stumbling block?
I'm really disappointed to have this confirmed. I was really excited from OBT about RN BB's, and in the current state, it looks awful.
Missing out on Historic Ships, for "smooth progression". Wat.
Steel Ocean is looking more and more promising.Subquestion2:
Q:I understand the logic. But why not make a 14" KGV work at T8 then?
How about make Monarch Premium, or a BB line split?
If WG are so insistent about having a 15" ship at T8, where is HMS Vanguard?
A(Tuccy):the issue with "making KGV work at VIII" for one leaves an odd hole or odd progression (a complete change of style) - in that case I think we won't have to wait long to be accused of designing it that way to force you to reskill captains all the time :) And I am also afraid Forum and Reddit community vastly downplays the player comfort issue - which goes hand in hand with predictability. Like it or not, a large portion of players does not go into detailed stat crunching and do not really like too many style somersaults in one branch ;)
As fro boosting KGV to fit Tier VIII, it then also spawns the question: What do you want to have? Do you want to have KGV... Or do you want to have a ship with KGV name and model, but with guns behaving like as if they are firing bigger caliber shells to compensate? And why then call it KGV? I mean it is kinda like trying to boost the Town class to fit Tier X so that we do not have to have Minotaur there (or, on the other hand, nerfing Farragut to fit Tier V so that we do not have to have the Destroyer Leader project from 1919 there) - certainly doable, but maybe not really worth the hassle...
Generally for me, KGV as Tier VII works even in context - she was, after all, built to a strict weight limit and thus "nerfed" on design from the ideal ships the Navy wanted... Let's call it Tier 7.5, but... With less twisting needed to get her to VII (esp. as there is a more than viable VIII option). I mean... Would you think a 3x3 14" North Carolina would be a workable and comfortable Tier VIII? ;)
(接上一个问题)追问1:我完全不同意你的观点。KGV在8级也可以,只要buff火力就行了,我承认她现在的位置很尴尬,但是略微buff一下KGV的火力,然后把Nelson放到7级不是显然比把KGV nerf以后放到T7,然后在加一艘图纸船要好吗?我并不相信你的说法。Nelson是皇家海军的一艘标志性的舰船,很明显钱就是你们把她变成金币船的动力。Nelson怎么就会成为一个障碍了呢?我对现在确认的东西感到非常失望。我在公开测试的时候就对英战十分激动。然而现在英战看起来很糟糕。缺失了重要的历史船只是为了连贯的游戏体验。看来还是海战世界前途一片光明。
至于把KGVbuff到8级这件事,这也引出了一些问题:你想要的是什么呢?你是想要KGV,还是一艘只有KGV的名字和外形,靠着大口径主炮来弥补的船?既然这样你为什么还叫她KGV呢?我觉得这就有点像我们把一艘郡级巡洋舰buff到T10那样我们就不需要Minotaur了(或者说我们可以把Farragut nerf到5级那样我们也就不需要1919年驱逐领舰计划了(Nicolas))—这当然是可行的,但是看起来真的不值得去为这种事烦恼...
对我来说,KGV显然更适合7级的环境,它毕竟也被从海军部希望的样子“锉刀”到了后来的样子以适应吨位要求。我们可以说她是7.5级船,所以她还需要一些调整来使她成为7级船(特别是她看起来不是一个的可行的8级选项的时候)。我的意思是,你觉得一艘3x3 14寸的北卡在8级会很好玩吗?;)
Now, let's have a quick overview of "nerfing" smoke thing.
The most important thing you need to know is that main driver for the change is competitive meta. By competitive I mean not only locally hosted tournaments, but also Ranked and division play (partly, yes, I know it is not pure competitive) and, what has huge value, upcoming Clan versus Clan combat. What is the problem there? The smoke meta, and even smoke + IFHE meta. It is efficient, not fun, it leaves too little space for other tactics and..hell, we don't want it to be "hide your North Carolina and IFHE Chapayev in smoke and scout for them" every battle. Actually, the whole idea is NOT to nerf smokes - it is to nerf BB in smokes and shooting crowds in smokes.
On the other hand, we don't want to harm Random battles, which are still majority. We are 100% fine with Akizuki, Fletcher or Neptune setting smoke and firing from it. We're also fine with these guys setting smoke for friendly battleship for protection/repair, but not for stealth bastion thing!
First idea would be different mechanics, but no, it's a terrible idea. Ideally, a player should learn basics in Random Battles, and then either to go to competent solo player path or to engage in some form of competitive play. The core mechanics should be the same across all modes. Thus, the smoke dispersion mechanics was chosen.
For now, judging from all feedback and tests, I can say our solution has three big issues:
1. The debuff affects solo players noticeably, when it shouldn't. Remember - we don't want to really harm smoke firing tactics for solo DDs and smoke-equipped cruisers. This is one of their core tactics, and it is good.
2. The solution does not have protection from the scenario when a passing-by BB unintentionally blows your smoke away with one salvo.
3. The solution makes competitive a little bit better, but there is still little reason to take heavy cruisers, when you can go with HE+IFHE+smoke combo, which is avaliable only with limited team line-ups.
So, what we're doing now after we decided that 1st edition shouldn't be released? We are working on the issues discovered. Actually, we do have solutions to the issues I named, and hopefully, 2nd edition will be much better and will hit the target without harming Random Battles DD and cruiser players we absolutely don't want to harm.
Q:When can we expect the RN BBs to be released? i have tried to find this in the questions already but there was nothing coming up. I feel like these have been coming since Christmas now and were in August with no sign of them. I have played against or with about 50 of them in battles now sailed by Testers etc. and im sure they were due in July?
A:We are finalizing them, and I think they will be released in one of the very nearest updates. We took our time, tested different features and loadouts, listened to testers and to the community. For now, the line looks very good. No cruiser consumables, decent AP, good HE, good concealment and heal on top tiers, slightly better (Warspite-like) heal on all other tiers, and yes, the gun choice on Conqueror - this is what the line may bring:) I ask you for a bit of patience - the official announcement and release are really near.
Q:first of all I would just like to say thank you! I really think it's awesome that you come here and do these QnAs on reddit, especially as I am led to belive you do it in your free time, I hope WGEU knows how lucky they are to have you.
**I would like to know if WG is working any new ribbons?**
You have mentioned here that spotting xp is earned by spotting an enemy for a teammate who doesn't have line of sight on him. (also that everyone who is spotting him get equal xp).
**Wouldn't it be possible to have a ribbon for every 1k or 5k damage that is caused by your spotting?**
**And also maybe a ribbon for the first person who spots an enemy ship?** So there would be 12 per side to get.
Perhaps give dds an xp boost for these ribbons (or all classes), because at the moment I feel dds are hard done by in xp gain and you are very reliant on getting torpedo hits. It might also help combat the very passive gameplay we have, by teaching players early on that getting up and into the battle is a reward in itself.
A:Oh, thanks, but, as these Q&A were success lately, now it's a part of my team job - to do Q&A here and an all servers from time to time. So don't worry about free time anymore - we are here, and we will pop up every 1-2 months:)
As for your question, and community-driven UI improvements in general, right now we're finalizing HAS and Radar circles on minimap - which was proposed here on Reddit a couple of months ago, as far as I remember. Then, we will discuss several more things, like spotting ribbon and maybe even spotting damage/potential damage counters.
However, I must ask for your patience, because such things (unfortunately) involve two most busy teams - UI and Game Logic. Almost every new feature requires these guys support, so they have a long queue of tasks, many of which are of highest priority (like Clan Battles).
Surely you can just not bother with this reasoning, but hey, this is how it works, so I really hope you understand:)
To sum up, your UI suggestion is good and we're thinking about it as well.
Economy is not and shouldn't be tied to ribbons directly, but it is balanced around the same game events. DDs, by the way, are already given some boost for spotting withing economic balancing in 0.6.7.
Q:1) is that you in the pic? ;p
2) is it addressed in any way, that the Graf Zeppelin has carapults? Like planes starting from the catapults instead of rolling on the deck. Or with a faster plane starting time?
Because of the time at her initial commission date, she would have been the only carrier with 2 catapults and where planes could start and land at the same time. Which would give her a advantage over others who were just floating decks.
A:1. Nah, that's the reason I am still sane and happy :D
2. Not now, but I can say that she's WIP, and we are still playing around with different options. Your suggestion is interesting, we will consider it. Thanks!
Q:1).照片里的那个是你吗?;p (这个是那个贴子的镇楼图)
A:1.啊,那是我现在还保持着理智且开心的原因 :D
Q:I'd like to address some perceived issues I have about the Commander skill tree. In my opinion, some skills are making it hard for you to balance ships.
IFHE is too good on CA's with 152-155mm guns. The main weakness of the lower caliber is gone, and they enjoy penetration values similar to 200+mm guns, while only suffering a small penalty to fire chance. I feel this strength is too overpowered on certain CA's, for example, Belfast or Kutuzov. What's the point of playing a 203mm CA now if a 152mm CA can output more damage with their faster firing guns?
For example, Kutuzov guns have 8s reload, 12 barrels, and 26400 alpha damage per salvo, for a total of 224,400 potential DPM.
Atago on the other hand, reloads in 16s, 10 barrels, 33000 alpha salvo damage, and 158,000 potential DPM.
Looking at the numbers, it's clear Kutuzov with IFHE, while having the same penetration values as Atago, will clearly do much more damage to armored targets. IFHE basically removed the one weakness of lower caliber guns, and thus unlocked their full DPM value whereas prior to this, some of your shells would shatter and thus the DPM would be similar to a cruiser with higher caliber guns.
Of course, this isn't even considering all the other things Kutuzov has like 19.1km range, smoke, and good anti-air.
Before IFHE, cruisers were differentiated well- CL's with 152-155mm guns would shoot more rapidly, but be less effective against armored targets and better against less armored targets (like DD's or other CA's), whereas 203mm CA's were slower firing, but heavy alpha damage and more effective versus BB's. Now it's simply the case that a CL does everything better than a CA, which simply doesn't make sense.
Are you all looking into this?
A:Yes. We have slightly different view on that, but overall, yes, that'll be addressed along with smoke change. We don't mind IFHE current efficiency, but we would like to make IFHE camping less efficient.
IFHE对152-155mm的CA来说实在提升太大了,小口径最大的劣势就因此消失了,而且这些船只需要稍微降低点火率就可以拥有接近200+mm炮的穿深。我觉得这东西对某些CA来说是过强了,比如说Belfast 和 Kutuzov。如果一艘152炮的CA可以靠更快的射速制造更多的伤害,你为什么还要去玩203mm的CA呢?
举个例子,Kutuzov 8秒装填,12门炮,一轮齐射的alpha伤害为16400,潜在DPM为224400
Q:By economy do you also mean xp gain? or just credits? What I meant was that DDs seem to be lower down in team rankings at the end (Sidenote: I am CL main).What I meant was, I feel as if DD who is doing well for his team, (you know spotting and smoking) doesn't really get any feedback at the moment from the game that he/she is contributing to the team if his torps keep missing. And ribbons would help negate this.But I think you understood, I'm just crap at explaining things.Thanks again for the answer.
Sub A:No, your explanation is good, and I argee that we need more in-battle feedback, and we will work on it:)
By economy I normally mean both credits and XP.
Q: For smoke, why not give bb penalty of being spotted only while not affecting smoke and other ships?
A:Because BBs are not the only problem. Crowds and IFHE are problematic too. We considered what you suggest, and it won't work.
Q: Here's some idea for smoke: increase shell dispersion while firing from smoke, the higher the caliber the higher the dispersion
or just make smoke unable to hide a BB unless it is dead center or reveal BBs that fire, just don't disperse the smoke for other classes or give them that samemechanic
A: Dispersion debuffs won't prevent most players from camping in smoke. People tend to choose the safest way, in shooters they will camp with sniper rifle when the real need is to push, the same pattern is sitting in smoke. All this results in is more frustration. The same issue was with firing range a couple of years ago - some players asked us to leave the ability to constantly shoot at max ranges, just with bad dispersion, but in the end we cut the ranges and introduced spotter plane. There is no need to give people crap weapon, hoping they won't use it - they will, and blame you for it being crappy:) This is why I hope we will remove/rework Shima 20km torps eventually, and I strongly believe it will even buff her stats a bit.
We have the plan how to update the declined 1st version so it hits the goal without hurting those players/ships we don't want to hurt. We're implementing this plan right now, and I believe it has all chances to be final - but we'll see.
Other mechanics, including your proposal, were considered before and after 1st version tests - believe me, this idea is not rushed. For now, the initial mechanics is the best option, but with some meaningful tuning and tweaking.
Q: Are there any changes for credits in Tier X matches? Just yesterday I had a game with 200k dmg in my G. Kurfurst and i still lost credits. I even run 20% cost reduction and increased credits flags. It's ridiculous that you lose so much credits without premium gear.
A: Playing on TX without premium time / premium camo is tough by design, and always was, but anyways, there were no changes that could really affect this, and all, even minor economy changes are added to patch notes.
I would say if you really think you are getting more normally, with the same conditions, check out other things. Absolute damage is not as important in rewards as relative damage, and there are also additional activities that have big importance, like capping and tanking. Not everything revolves around absolute damage, it's just one of the metrics that is nice to compare and boast, but it does not directly make your team win.
Q: Then why not use Vanguard at T8 since every argument you've just used for Sharnhorst applies equally to her?
A:We have other plans for Vanguard:)
Q: Why don't fire directors get camo applied?A: Technical reasons. As you probably know, ship models consist of many misc objects (including directors) and camo is being applied semi-automatially, so, there are some tech limitations that prevent us from painting directors, including peformance issues. They can be solved by changing 3d content file structure, but right now, the priority is very low for that. Sorry for inconvenience.
Q: I still call BS on the “Nelson is too strange for regular players, so we make it a premium”.
WHY can’t you JUST make it as an alternative grind ? You did it on WoT for more than one tank (Ferdinand/JP2 is the best example, one is historical, the second is a prototype), that NEVER caused any issue. Just make it so that QE can grind both Nelson and KGV, and if that really is an issue for you, make Nelson 50k XP more expensive. Only players motivated by her would grind her, the other would get the KGV by default, and most players in this game go by the “default” option.
And why is having a different ship an issue anyway ? We already have Warspite and Hood as premium, Hood even already sitting in the tier 7 bracket. Now you want Nelson/Rodney as premium, and you’ll likely follow with Vanguard in tier 8 ? I really can’t call anything but BS at that. Or at least just admit you want money.
A: You may call whatever you want, that’s your right, however, now you are trying to invent a way to squeeze Nelson into the line, without listening to argument. You are ready to make accusations just to validate your point. That’s a way to nowhere.
I will say it one last time.
1.We don’t want to create another Izumo precedent and don’t want to create a pointless 1 ship sub-branch. Gameplay first.
2.Nelson is a fine ship, but won’t go good with general audience gameplay-wise, thus, the access to her will be limited in some way.
3.We are still discussing a way to release it. All community opinions on that were heard and we are truly taking them into consideration.
I know this is important topic for you guys, so I promise I or someone from the team will update you as soon as we have the final decision. This should happen just in a next few days, most likely, even tomorrow.
We’re on it, we know you care about this ship, and we will do our best to find a good solution.
Sorry for inconvenience, and see you very soon
- (2025-02-20) 得梅因?真不熟!烟里输出的203炮你见过吗?
- (2025-02-20) 咱的钱就是硬通货!聊聊明朝的那些钱!
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