S_O Reddit QA #17 看谁还会挂天灯?

2017-12-09 01:09:15 神评论

17173 新闻导语

战舰世界 S_O Reddit QA #17 看谁还会挂天灯?

Q:Hi, can I ask about the logic in IJN premiums lately? Many are sister ships of tech tree ships, but they appear in 'stock' form one tier lower (i.e. Mutsu, Ashitaka, Musashi). I can't help but notice that the IJN seems to be getting this very often, meanwhile other nations have sister ships in the same tier (Missouri, upcoming Duke of York, Tirpitz and Scharnhorst). The IJN also have other ship classes or sisters with equivalent refits that can be balanced to the same tier, so why not release those instead? Perhaps there are other plans for the ships that did exist?


I'd say, it is not some deliberate strategy, but rather a coincidence. While Musashi was a pretty popular request, Mutsu and Ashitaka are the result of us having spare hulls (basically, ship models), and willing to put them into use. Actually, the former New Mexico stock hull could have a new life as well. We do not plan to specifically continue with such ships for IJN, and will try to make IJN premium fleet generally more diverse.

Q:Hi,我能问一问最近的日本金币船的问题吗?很多都是科技线船的同型船,但是都是以白板形态出现在低一级的位置上(比如说Mutsu, Ashitaka, Musashi)我不可避免地注意到这在日系船里很常见,而其他国家都是同型舰都处于同级的位置(Missouri, 之后要出的Duke of York, Tirpitz 和 Scharnhorst)日系船也有其他船拥有合适的改装,使她们可以胜任同级的位置,那为什么不实装她们呢?难道说对这些船还有其他的计划?


我想说的是,这不是什么有意而为之的策略,这只是一个巧合而已。尽管Musashi是一个很受欢迎的要求,但是Mutsu和Ashitaka的出现只是因为我们有闲置的船体(船只模型),而且我们想把它们投入使用。事实上以前的New Mexico的白板船体也可以像这样重获新生。我们不打算继续特意给日系加这样的金币船,而是让日系金币船变得更加多样

Q:Since you didn't answer it last time i will just post it again.

Hey! i have 2 camo related questions. First, any chance of adding the second colour option that you get whit the Yamamoto collection to premium camoes as well, like Zao or Yamato's premium camo. Second question is regarding North Carolina's premium camo, so when i bought it i really loved the look it had on the A hull, but when i finally went and upgraded the camo changed to another completely different skin. Any possibility to let you change so you can get the A hull camo on the B hull?

A:Hey. Sorry for not replying last time, but I'm happy to communicate now!


1.You know, yes, there is a chance. The mechanics is not here, because permanent camos work a bit differently from regular ones in terms of their texture application, so adding customization option requires a lot of additional work - hence, it was not present initially. But as we see, overall color customization is quite a thing for many players, so implementing it for permanent camos sounds reasonable. We will try to do it, probably in the beginning of 2018.

2.Sorry, I don't think so, and 2 skins per 1 camo is more a legacy thing.









Q:Does the presence of the Torpedo-Guy on board the cargo-vessel have anything to do with the probability to drop a supercontainer (when using TYL-containers)?


Of course. But the exact relation formula is очень sekrit, and I'm not going to Gulag for indulging your curiosity!



当然,但是具体的关系函数是очень sekrit,当然我也不想为了满足你的好奇心被丢进***。

Q:Can we get objective based achievements?

Though we are awarded medals for dealing lots of damage(like High Caliber) or tanking lots of damage(like Fireproof), I find it odd there is no comparable medal for playing the objective. It would be nice if WG rewarded certain medals for playing the objective, like take 2 caps in 1 match, taking 1 cap as a CV, earn X amount of defended ribbons, etc.

A:Good evening.

It is a nice idea, IMO, and I will relay it to the guys responsible for achievement update! Thank you!


尽管我们现在有制造很多伤害的奖励(High Caliber)或者抗了很多伤害的奖励(Fireproof)。但是我发现没有给完成任务目标的成就。如果你们能加入那种一场比赛中占领两个区域,用CV占一个点,获得多少个防御勋带这样的成就就好了。








1.这个改动对那些容易被空中侦察发现的DD(日驱,德驱,没有AA的毛驱)。除了Akizuki, Z-46, 和Z-52外,她们在空中侦察面前还是处于弱势。这样,对她们的开局飞机点亮还是会继续下去

2.这个改动对buff了那些已经很擅长打下同级飞机的防空特化DD。事实上,正如你所知,那些有AA消耗品DD的长距离防空火力,就算没有任何升级品,也已经接近同级防空最好的BB了。这是你们预期的吗?这会导致一种极其糟糕的情况,如果说一艘CV组了两艘防空DD(Sims, Fletcher这样的),那他们就可以直接卡死一个甚至两个点,同时在美驱烟里用接近BB水平的AA轻松打下CV的飞机。因为CV的分房只是匹配同级CV,而且也不会关注消耗品。















Q:What's the status of HMCS Haida at this point?

iChase showed the behind the scenes filming of the Naval Legends episode for Haida but we've seen or heard nothing about that for months.

pigeon_of_war said he was working on getting Haida into the game a few months ago however, the rumors on the forum said he brought Haida up to the head office in St. Petersburg and the idea didn't go over well.

Can we get a bit of insight on what's going on at least with the Naval Legends video if nothing else? Thank you in advance.

A:The status is "we're working on it". Here, I said this. Don't tell anyone. Especially Pigeon - let's make a surprise for him:)

Q:HMCS Haida(加拿大海军海达人号)怎么样了





Could you elaborate upon the formula used to determine torpedo damage reduction numbers/TDS value? Richelieu was noted for having a very deep, elaborate TDS layout using multiple layers and a thing called ebonnite mousse, which gave her one of the best, if not the best underwater protection systems of any battleship ever put afloat, yet in-game she has a paltry 19% (according to the devblog). Similarly, King George V's TDS, which was noted for being at least passable and at best pretty good is also fairly low; on the other hand, Roma, a battleship using a system that was noted for being really bad and potentially a liability has a better TDS rating than Richelieu!

Which brings me to my question: is there a formula that's being used to determine these numbers or are they being fudged for balance reasons? If there's a formula, does it actually take an underwater protection system's layout and contents (single layer vs multiple layer liquid-filled and void compartments, mousse, crush tubes like the Pugliese system, etc) into account, or is it solely based upon system depth and holding bulkhead thickness?

Thanks for the answer in advance!


The base formula uses armor thickness and volume. It does not take the material and other peculiarities into account. So, after base TDS is calculated, we tweak it individually lore-wise and gameplay-wise. 19% is the base value, most probably it will be tweaked (improved). And yes, you're absolutely right about ebonnie mousse, that's why we will be reviewing base value.


能不能跟大家说一说鱼雷减伤和鱼雷防护之间的函数关系,Richelieu被记载拥有吃水深而且可靠的鱼雷防护系统。这个系统使用了多层设计同时使用了一种叫做ebonnite mousse的系统。这使她成为了拥有当时最好的,或者说起码水下防护性最好的防护系统的战列舰。然而在游戏里减伤只有19%(看你们的blog里这么说)。同样的,KGV的鱼雷防护系统也还算不错,但是在游戏里也还是不行。另一方面,Roma,一艘鱼雷防护不怎么样的战列舰的鱼雷防护却比Richelieu还要好(我真的不知道这个人说的对不对)




基础函数使用了装甲厚度和体积,但并没有把材料和其他东西纳入考虑范围。所以在基础鱼雷防护性数据出来以后,我们会依据平衡来调整。19%是一个基础数值,我们很可能会调整(提高)。而且没错,你说的关于ebonnie mousse的那些很对。这也是为什么我们会重新关注基础数值。

Q:Hello S_O。我的问题是关于殉爆的。你以前在QA中也讲过,但是我想要更多的信息。我会尽量保证我的问题专业但是我也会吐槽这个机制,所以可能有些话说得不太好听













Q:Any thought of making torpedo's require someone in the detection radius to make them visible? In other words if they are plane spotted they only remain visible if the plane is actively in range detecting them?

Many a torp launch are ruined by spotter/catapault fighter planes rendering an attack with a large cool down ruined.

A:No. Even if we considered it to be a design choice, it's too "moddable", and thus, exploitable. We avoid adding the mechanics that are easy to exploit for unfair advantage.




Q:With the re-shuffling of the American Cruiser lines, has there been any thought given to un-nerfing the reload speed on 5"/38 twin mounts used as secondary batteries? Since the addition of increasingly more powerful and numerous Dual Purpose guns at tier 6-7 ( as well as the upwards movement of Cleveland ) have essentially rendered the old explanations for their slow fire rate obsolete? Especially when other nations secondaries are treated with the best-case-scenario in mind, even ones with already powerful gun and torpedo armament?

It would be a nice bonus to a line that relies entirely on its guns and fighting at close-medium range, where other nations have powerful torpedo batteries.

On that note, is there any reason not to give Colorado the Maryland hull, now that Lyon is entering the game with incredibly powerful Dual Purpose AA/secondaries, which totally outstrips the aged and powercrept American tier 7 in terms of both surface and Anti-Air lethality? It seems counter-intuitive that what-if refits for ships that were never built are allowed to be downright superior to real ships that are left languishing, because the wartime refits THEY received are deemed "too powerful" for some nebulous reason?


Right now we don't consider any cruiser to have really viable secondaries; and I can't say it's really good for the game to have such ships. So, with downgrading, there could be changes, but I wouldn't expect too much in terms of secondaries.





Q:Hello. You said that Lesta is going to do a rebalance of CVs, but I'm really interested in the situation with some really old ships in WoWs. These ships are not really interesting to play at the moment and even though their stats are not that bad they still worse than others. One of the best examples is Izumo and Shimakaze. After plenty of changes in our game these japanese ships became boring and uncomfortable in most of the cases. I know a simple answer that sounds like "the stats of these ships are ok so no changes required", but it's not what I actually wait for.

A:This simple answer here is almost correct. These ships are widely played, they perform well...why tweak them instead of focusing on the ships that really underperform or overperfom, or on the entire new line we're producing? Sorry, but "interesting" is too subjective. I mean, if they are not interesting for you, try others.

That said, we're going to test some interesting new stuff for Shimakaze in the near future ;)




Q:Hello, I'd like to know how many Belfasts, Kutuzovs and Perths were returned during 0.6.12.

A:Nice try:) No, I won't tell you these numbers. However, I will gladly tell you the percentage of returned ships (RU, NA, EU, ASIA total):

Belfast: 5,2% Kutuzov: 5,7% Perth: 6,6%

Of course we don't know the exact reason each player had to return these ships. But here you are.

Q:你好,我想知道在0.6.12有多少的Belfast, Kutuzov和Perth被退款了

A:好问题:) 我不会给你数字但我可以给你百分比(俄服,美服,欧服和亚服总数):Belfast: 5,2% Kutuzov: 5,7% Perth: 6,6%


Q:Can we get an animation of penetration\bounce\shatter of shell on demand (option in settings or key press) a la War Thunder Ground Force....

It would be interested what did we hit and score citadel or why didn't we get the citadel....:)

A:I'm afraid for now, we can't. The major features, unlike minor tweaks, are normally planned ahead, and the reason to change the plans (and to undermine some production) should be very big. This is not the case, and honestly, if we speak about ballistics, we'd rather do some ballistics/ribbon polishing to improve the balance and fix some random strange stuff - and actually, we're working on it.



Q:Hey Phil,

Special Radar Upgrades are mandatory for Clan Battles. But many people have not been Rank 2 in that one season. Chances of getting the right upgrade in a Supercontainer are very low. How about a short campaign, to aquire one of each for everybody?

A:So, NOW they ARE good, aren't they?:)

On a serious note, that's a good point. I cannot promise you anything, but I will speak with the in-game events team, try to learn what's up, as these upgrades got more value in players' opinion, and probably, can be used a bit - just a bit, as we don't want to devalue them - more.

Q:Hey Phil,




Q:Clear sky at tier 8 and above are pretty much as hard to get as a solo warrior (yet you need them for a mission in 2 campaigns). Can we expect a reasonable requirement for this achievement any time soon ? Or are you happy with it being one of the rarest medal (at 8+) ?

What about the Juliet Yankee Bissotwo (-20% flooding duration). Flooding ticks for 2 minutes, yet the DCP can easily be lower than 90 seconds, making this consumable pointless. Maybe change it so that it lowers the flooding damage taken by 20%, helping out until DCP is ready again ?!

A:We will rework Clear Sky, dear WarlockFromMars. You're totally right, it needs some change, and sorry for it taking so long.

Q:Clear Sky在8级及以上和Solo warrior一样难拿(然而战役里还有任务要你拿Clear Sky)。这个成就的要求会进行改动吗?还是你对这个8级以上很罕见的成就很满意?

然后Juliet Yankee Bissotwo这面旗(-20%的进水时间)。进水持续时间是两分钟,而损管cd可以很轻松地压到90s以内,这就让这个消耗品没什么意思了。能不能把效果改成减进水伤害20%,帮玩家撑到损管再次可用

A:我们会重做Clear Sky的。你说的一点没错,是要进行一些改动,抱歉花了那么长时间。

Q:When do you plan to fix this, by your words, "quite rare" bug? Apparently it's been around about forever. And you've known about it for that long. Yet I see examples in every game I play. I am also able to reproduce it with the exact circumstances, and I've handed it to you on a silver platter. Yet despite all these steps, and your extensive knowledge of it, it has not yet been fixed.

So, when do you plan to fix the fact that AP shells often do more damage than they should?

A:I said that several times, and sorry that you've missed it - the ballistics will be updated somewhere mid-2018 - maybe a little earlier - and not only strange cases of damage & ribbons, but also other issues, like BB AP -> DD damage. I won't give you any when, because messing with ballistics is not a quick thing, and it my take longer (or shorter, if we're very lucky) than we currently predict. As for your help and cooperation - thank you, the data indeed was sent directly to Game Logic guys, who play the main part in these possible update.




Q:will we get the Musashi this year? is it for freexp? is the USS Salem Ranked reward for 7x R1 ?

A:Sorry, no comments on these:) It's a secret, and they're watching me.

Q:Musashi今年会出吗?是不是通过全局获得? USS Salem是不是7次R1的奖品?


Q:Hi Sub!

1.When will Hard difficulty be added to scenario battles? It could be something as simple as x3 HP for all enemy ships. For clans that tackle these missions together, a 5 star can be achieved on the first attempt and there is little to no value in re-playing it afterwards.

2.I am experiencing major FPS issues if and only if I am playing as CV. I have a very high quality computer and FPS is excellent normally, but when I am in a CV my FPS drops to around 10. Is this a personal problem or a server wide problem? If its the latter, when will it be fixed?

3.Is Tone still on hold? Is she in a super low priority on the to do list? I have been waiting to throw my wallet at it.

4.Since Tears of the Desert Epicenter is not favored by popular opinion, are there plans to reduce the frequency of it appearing much like what was done to Ocean?

5.Will there be any cross spawns (like the original hot spot back in CBT) and/or unique spawns (like in CW) ever be implemented in random battles?

As always these FAQ sessions are highly appreciated. Cheers!


1.I cannot tell you that, because we're still not sure about several design choices.

2.I'm not aware of mass issue you describe, but in any case you should contact Customer Support. Yes, sometimes they take time, but they're the best guys to solve such issue anyways. If you have real problems with them after you submit your case, please PM me.

3.She is still on hold.

4.We will see about it


Cheers, and thank you too, for reading and asking.

Q:Hi Sub!




4.Tears of Desert的震央模式大家都不喜欢,有没有减少这个出现频率的计划,就像那张Ocean图一样

5.会不会有不同的出生点设置加入游戏(像CBT时期的Hot Spot那张图或者军团战那样的)









Q:US Cruiser split: Can we expect the posts to the new ships in Devblog in the next 1-2 weeks or is it too early in development to release them?

A:Too early, dear Nanotyrann. We normally post to Dev blog when the stuff enters Supertest, not before.



Q:Hey Sub_Octavian! Thanks for another Q&A session!

Just a quick question: Will WG ever release a book with all the schematics of the ships that are present in-game? Like with a nice blurb on how modernizations for ships that required them were determined and how the ships that had to be designed from scratch (like the Zao, Hindenburg, etc.) were designed? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd greatly appreciate that! Hope I was clear enough :)、

A:Heya. I doubt it, and not because it's a bad idea (I'm not experienced in merchandise to say whether such book would be appreciated) but mostly because that would involve publishing A LOT of data we're not licensed to publish - only to use for development. Sorry.

Q:Hey Sub_Octavian!感谢另一次QA!



Q:Since we've been talking about French ships as of late:

1.What's the logic behind giving Richelieu the worse DPM at its tier, one of the lowest alpha of its tier and dispersion similar to Bismarck all at the same time?

2.What's up with Richelieu's TDS? It is widely recognized as one of the best TDS of its time period, yet it's utter trash in game.

3.If you didn't intend to add Strasbourg to the tech tree, why didn't you make it a premium ship instead of Dunkerque?

4.Can we expect to see a high tier French premium in the near future? France will get its second line soon, yet it's stuck with only T6 premiums for captain training. The Pan-Asia line has had a T8 long before its first line, and Italy is getting two soon even though their first tech tree line is a long way off.

A:1-2: Dude, we should really stop discussing WIP stuff that early. Let's NOT do it, please - this makes no sense. Such questions are the reason I doubt the Dev Blog sometimes.

3.Who told you she cannot appear as a premium at some point?

4. No comments on unannounced ships, as always.

I know these answers don't tell you a lot, and I'm sorry for that, but please consider asking some questions I can answer without breaking NDA/speculating. Cheers!










Q:How is the skill based mm doing ? Any ETA ? It's about time those stats farming divisions by top clans will be balanced accordingly, not by sub par exp pinatas.

A:It's not doing well, because we're not going to implement it to Random PvP, and this was answered and explained a lot.



Q:Hello Sub_Octavian!

Just a few questions;

1.One of the things that has baffled quite a few of us has been choice of ships for premiums for Italy, specifically cruisers. What exactly lead to the decision for Duca degli Abruzzi being chosen over her sister, the Garibaldi, which is usually the better known sister of the class, and certainly carrying the more recognizable name?

2.Also, via the use of certain websites, it's been found that on Abruzzi's armor model the 30mm decapping belt is extended into the bows, all the way to the stem of the ship. All sources, a least that those of us in the community have at their disposal, state that the 30mm plating did not extend past the citadel. Is the existence of this extended portion in Abruzzi the result of a previously unknown source, or is it something WG chose to add as a balance decision?

3.When it comes to Roma's guns, what shells were in mind when WG was deciding on which to use for AP & HE? IRL, Italian battleships only has a pure AP shell (palla) and then a type of SAP round (granta perforante). The palla was the 884.8 kg shell originally fired at 870mps, but then lowered to 850mps, while the granta perforante was fired at 880mps. There was also a 774kg HE shell with a bursting charge of roughly 80kg under development, without a specified muzzle velocity. When Roma's data was released on the Devblog, it was a bit confusing to see the MV for AP/HE listed last 880/805 mps. Does this mean the AP shells chosen is the 824 kg GP, as opposed to the heavier Palla shells, and that the in-development HE round is being used as HE?


1.Well. Let's just say we reserved Garibaldi for some of the more distant future things.

2.I don't know about certain websites, but current armor model has this belt extended to bow (bow only, not aft) - and that is done according to Abruzzi's original blueprints we have. Sorry, but I believe, we got it right this time.

3.Roma is WIP, so mind that all stats are not final, and there is no point in discussing them in such depth. Anyways, I will relay your question, so the shells are double-checked.

Q:Hello Sub_Octavian!


1.使我们比较困惑的一件事就是意大利的金币船选择问题,特别是巡洋舰的。为什么要选Duca degli Abruzzi而不是她的姐妹舰Garibaldi,Garibaldi显然更出名。


3.Roma的主炮。你们是怎么计划她的HE和AP的?在现实中,意大利战列舰只有一种AP(Palla)和一种SAP(granta perforante)。Palla是一种重量为884.8km的炮弹,原定初速870m/s,但是后来被降低到了850m/s。而granta perforante的初速为880m/s。还有一种774kg,装药80kg的HE弹当时在开发中,但是没有具体的初速数据。当Roma的数据出现在开发组blog上的时候,AP和HE的880/805m/s的初速有点令人困惑。那也就是说你们AP弹用了824kg的granta perforante而不是更重的Palla,然后那个开发的HE弹被作为HE使用。





Q:In a discussion many months ago about balancing the shima I suggested removing the stock 20km torps or at least making them not the default. At the time you said this was a good idea and would consider it, since this change never happened you guys obviously rejected it. I was just wondering if we could have a follow up on why you didn't make this change and ask if you could consider it again.


Okay, as a fellow Shima admirer, let me share our current plan (very work-in-progress, subject to change or cancellation, not a promise):

1.To test 20 km DW (anti BB/CV) torpedoes with her as an option.

2.To test TRB within smoke slot as an option.

3.To change the research order as you suggest - so that 20 km torps, regardless of their specs, are not the default.

4.Consider removing 20 km torps completely (especially if DW test fail).

ETA: 2017 - early 2018.










Q:The nameplates removed from Mikasa and Ishizuchi. Why were they removed?

A:That was a version bug. We will fix it.



Q:Any word on official replays ? Any chance we get to see the after game reports of other players like in WoT ?

A:We're working on them; looks like Training Room: The Revised & Official Edition will be released first, though. But we will get to replays as well.




1.There's errors in the belt armor on British battleships from tier 7 onwards (King George V, Monarch, and Lion); specifically, they have belt armor that's slightly thicker than they actually are. To summarize, the British ordered armor in pounds per square foot. For example, the King George V's belt armor is 600 lb per square foot by magazines and 560 lb per square foot by machinery. Steel is 40.8 pounds per square foot, but in many cases for "nominal thickness", the weight of steel is rounded down to 40 pounds per square foot for simplicity, so a 600 lb per square foot armor has a "nominal" thickness of 15 inches (381 mm), but in actually was only 14.7 inches (374 mm) thick. As a result, the King George V and Monarch should have 374 mm and 349 mm belt by magazines and machinery respectively, and the Lion should have a 374 mm belt. This is documented by Norman Friedman's The British Battleships, 1906-1946, page 47., as seen here. I feel that this should be a pretty easy change, and shouldn't make too much of a difference.

2.The King George V, Monarch, and Lion citadel height is also overly simplified and too low in some areas. In summary, the engine rooms and boiler rooms should sit a bit higher than the magazines, with the boiler room poking slightly above the waterline. In game, I think this is a way to better balance the British battleships. They are currently unduly forgiving of showing broadside, and they are the most difficult ships to citadel after the German battleships. Given that one of WG's advertised weaknesses of the British tier 7+ battleship is their more vulnerable broadside, their citadel should be raised and adjusted along these lines to actually reflect that.

3.Currently, the Colorado's HP is abnormally low for her tonnage given in game. She only has 50,100 HP, while her in game tonnage is some 41,140 HP (historically she was 40,396.5 long tons in WW2 configuration), which should translate to 59,400 HP. Or, if we use the 40,396.5 ton displacement that she had historically, she would be 58,553 HP. Since the Colorado has very few advantages over the Nagato, is it possible to bring her HP up to standard?

4.The permanent camouflage that the Iowa has in game is the Missouri's, while the Iowa herself had a wholly different Measure 32/1B scheme as seen here. Is there a change that the Iowa's permanent camouflage can be updated to reflect this?


1.We're fully aware of weight differences in various armor types, however, we use the standard value of 1 inch = 40 pounds. This situation is the same as with various chemical composition, homogeneous/cemented, etc, etc - we're not ready to go full realistic here, and allow some simplification. So, there are no errors here - just game conventions.

2.We will see about changing their citadel, it could theoretically be an option, but not in the near future updates. Your arguments are noted.

3.Thanks for your research. I will ask the team to re-check HP calculation for this ship, and whether there is room to change it balance-wise - if needed.

4.Thanks for this suggestion. I am not sure this will be a high priority, but I will ask the team to check this information.



1.7级及以上的英战的装甲带装甲有问题(KGV,Monarch和Lion),说得明白一些,她们的装甲带装甲比她们实际的要厚一些。总的来说,英国通过每平方英尺几磅这样的单位来衡量装甲。比如说,KGV的主装甲带上,弹药库装甲厚度为600磅/平方英尺,轮机舱装甲厚度为560磅/平方英尺。钢铁是40.8磅/平方英尺,但是为了进行简化,很多情况下对于“名义厚度”的钢铁重量都会被减为40磅,所以说600磅/平方英尺的装甲的名义厚度为15英寸(381mm)但是事实上只有14.7英寸(374mm)厚。这样的结果就是KGV和Monarch应该最多只有374mm的弹药库装甲和349mm的轮机舱装甲,Lion应该只有374mm的装甲带。这摘自Norman Friedman的《The British Battlaships,1906-1946》,第47页。我觉得这个要改应该很简单,也不会造成很大的改变


3.现在,Colorado的HP与其吨位相比不正常的低下,她只有50,100的HP,然而她的游戏中吨位达到了41,140HP(历史上,她在二战中的吨位有40,396.5长吨(1长吨=1.0160469088 公吨)),应该被换算为59,400HP。或者如果我们用40,396.5吨来计算那么血量应该是58,533HP。Colorado和Nagato相比没有多少的优点,那么以后能把她的血量提高到另一个标准吗?









