[情报消息]5.23 QA 高校舰队联动 美战修改

2017-05-25 18:00:33 神评论

17173 新闻导语

战舰世界 [情报消息]5.23 QA 高校舰队联动 美战修改

HSF Graf Spee at 5100 doubloons

HSF Harekaze price is set at 8900 doubloons

-Harekaze is based on a stock Kagero, with identical stats to it, but has the bonus of being able to choose from the 127mm 3rd Year Type, the 100mm Type 98 from Akizuki or the long US 5 inch/54s

-The long 5 inch guns have heavier AP shells that can rival with Soviet DDs in terms of trajectory and higher penetration than 375px AP on German DDs

-Special Captain for HSF Harekaze will be Misaki Akeno






American Battleship Changes

Iowa & Missouri

· Citadel volume reduced by 27.5%. Volume excluded is now considered casemate. Due to the casemate volume change, bow, stern and superstructure had their hit points reduced by 18%.


· Similar changes to Iowa and Missouri. Citadel volume reduced by 28%. Bow, stern and superstructure hit points reduced by 24.5%.




1. Version 0.6.5 got balanced by nations reworked. Have you noticed?

1. 0.6.5通过各系重做来实现了平衡,你发现了么?

2. Carrier controls will be reworked in the future. Players suggested a unified attack mode instead of an automatic or a manual drop, but one that leave a role for player’s skill.

2. 航母控制未来会重做,玩家建议用统一的方式来取代自动和手动投雷,但是这样似乎抹杀了玩家之间的技巧差距。

3. Manual control of the secondaries will stay as is.

3. 手动副炮不会变

4. Kiev and Tashkent are correctly tiered.

4. 基辅和塔什干在她们现在的等级是强而有力的

5. The mini-map will get the radius of the radar and that of the AA aura.

5. 小地图将会添加显示雷达距离与防空圈

6. Personal offers will include elements of a tutorial. A first version of this is already in game and available to some beginners.

6. 个人信息栏会包含一些教学性质的内容,现在一些萌新已经可以看到了

7. The medium term (next few patches) we see some PvE missions for clans.

7. 未来的几个版本里我们会看到军团的PVE任务。

8. A tournament functionality is coming in winter, possible with an Attack and Defence type of scenarios.

8. 今年冬天会有个锦标赛上线

9. Version 0.6.6 may see a buff of Hydroacoustic Search for Lo Yang, Yugumo may get Shimakaze’s torpedoes, Nürnberg may get 360 degree rotation of the rear turret, and all German cruisers get a buff on penetration with HE.

9. 0.6.6可能会buff洛阳的水听,夕云可能会有岛风雷(日驱依然强而有力),纽伦堡后炮可以360度转炮,并且所有德巡HE穿深会得到加强(六分之一到四分之一的变化,大约)。

10. No changes are planned for Grozovoi, her performance is being watched.

10. 雷暴依旧强而有力,我们在关注她,但是还不准备动刀子。

11. On average, twice as many battles where played during the Clash of the Elements event than before.

11. 之前搞的元素交锋活动很是调动了大家的积极性,期间游戏场次有平时的两倍多。

12. Official training room and replay functionalities are not immediately forthcoming. The people are busy developing other things.

12. 训练房和回放功能还在外太空飘着,忙的要死哪有功夫做这玩意~

13. In the summer will see changes to Quick Commands in chat.

13. 夏天的时候要改快捷回复

14. The split of the US cruiser tree will definitely not occur this year.

14. 美巡分线今年不要想了

15. The Russian/Soviet battleships are definitely not coming this year.

15. 毛战今年也别想了

16. Smoke, shot and splinter/parts tearing off visual effects are being reworked.

16. 烟雾、开炮以及碎片影响视觉效果正在重做

17. Many players have purchased the top Hood bundle. Perhaps in the future, all bundles containing the same ship will be sold simultaneously.

17. 尽管外服胡德的所谓顶配包买了个天价,玩家老爷们还是纷纷剁手。不过未来可能同时把顶配土豪版平民版乞丐版都放出来任君自选(二雷:你尽管说,国服卖不出去算我输)

18. The AA rockets of Hood are not the new type of weapon announced last year.This new type of weapon in being tested on the super test.

18. 胡德的AA火箭并不是去年提到的新武器系统,然而这个新东西已经在ST测试了

19. The next rank season will probably be on tier 6.

19. 下一次排位可能是6级船


