[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15

2017-08-13 10:42:21 神评论

17173 新闻导语

战舰世界[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15

Q: Where is the carrier rework that was promised before "any more premium carriers"? We've gotten Kaga, Enterprise, and Graf Zeppelin is just around the corner.

A: I really doubt there was a promise not to release carriers before rework.

The point was we were not concentrating on new carriers because there were some major issues with them as a whole. This includes: UI problems, in-class balance problems, lack of tutorial/learning curve problems. These things, along with others, lead us to very global and serious question "Are we sure that existing CV/AA concept should be just tuned and tweaked or we need a global overhaul? And if yes, should we try to introduce it in a couple of big updates or to make it gradual?".

For now, we fixed the major part of existing UI problems, which was the main blocker for releasing new CV content. USN/IJN balancing is WIP, and can be expected within several updates. Tutorials are being worked on, however, simpler stuff like movement and basic gameplay should be done first. As for global rework, this is a tricky one. Any major rework will be a stress for old players, so if we are going this way, we must be absolutely sure it is for good. Now, we don't have any concept that we like THAT better, than the existing one, but we keep thinking about it. And in the meantime, we aim to make various smaller quality changes to the existing CV mechanics, in evolutionary, not revolutionary way.

Q:你们以前还保证过在CV修改完成之前不会有“任何的金币CV放出”。结果现在你们已经出了Kaga,Enterprise和Graf Zeppelin这些船。A:我真的不觉得我们那么说过。现在我们关注的并不是新的CV,因为目前所有的CV都存在着一些相同的问题。其中包括:UI的问题,同等级之间的平衡,缺乏教程导致的玩家水平不一。这些以及其他的一些问题将我们引向了一个十分严肃且十分重要的问题:现在的CV和防空设定是应该调整修改还是应该彻底重做。如果是,那我们是应该逐步修改还是应该一步到位?现在,我们已经修复了UI的问题,为我们推出新的改动打开了大门,日航和美航的平衡正在做,预计将于最近几次更新中实装。教程也正在做,但是那些简单的东西,比如说移动或者简单的游戏操作当然应该先做好。至于大的改动,这个就比较复杂了。大的改动肯定会让老玩家感到紧张,所以我们如果要那么做,我们就必须确定这是绝对可行的。现在,我们也不觉得我们觉得那个更好,但我们会一直关注这个问题。同时,我们追求的是以渐变的而不是颠覆性的方式对目前的CV机制作出大量的但是细微的调整。

Q: There were a number if glaring balance problems since last year, mostly about how USN was terrible when compared to IJN due to inflexibility and inconsistency vs key targets like DDs.

Instead, we got ammo buffs... which did not help much when it truly came to winning (it primarily benefited good players when whacking enemy planes since the "less skillful playerbase" normally lost his fighters before using even half the ammo)

A: Well, lack of flexibility is the exact main target for upcoming USN CVs changes.



Q: What determines the krupp value for AP shells? Also, why do British BB's have such low krupp values? ThanksA: Roughly speaking, Krupp value is used in our ballistics model to have the desired armor penetration value for different shells on different distances. And the "desired penetration value" here is the value that is as close to IRL as possible, because this is one of the game aspects we seek to keep realistic. So, this is just a tool for achieving needed shell performance.



Q: For your new development blog how much information are you planning on giving with it? Will it be showing only changes for the next patch, or will it be further down the line (like 2-3 or even 5)?

A:I plan to talk about the changes starting from ST phase. Commenting on more distant things does not makes sense, as too many changes can be done even before ST.



Q: Hi Sub, thanks for taking the time to do this. I'm not sure if this has been officially confirmed anywhere, but can you say whether or not theConquerorwill have the option of both the 419's and 457's?

Bonus if I may: Will theVanguardbe a future premium?

A:We know about some players who want to have 4x2 457 option, and we will consider it.

Bonus: it is a possible option for the future. Thank you for your question.





Q: When using the catapult spotter plane, is the shell trajectory any different from the normal view?A: No, it only naturally differs when you are firing at longer range, no special tweaks are applied to it.


Q: I thought Scharnhorst put paid to the idea that a BB couldn't be balanced and fun for it's tier with sub-tier firepower? If 9x11 inch works at T7 surely 10x14 inch can be soft statted to work at T8?A: Scharny has much more features than sub-tier firepower to be viable. I do not underestimate the playerbase, but I think if we designed the IJN branch from the start right now, with all past experience, Izumo would be different or wouldn't be there at all. It is a good, but very demanding ship. Thank you too:)


Q:BBs are still massively over-represented in the MM and game line-ups. What are the plans to deal with this? Surely not adding another line of BBs and nerfing smoke? Is it WarGaming's belief that battleships are over-represented because the class is overpowered or because people just enjoy the power of commanding a battleship?

A:There are two questions here, actually: about BBs and about planned smoke changes. Let's take them separately.

High BB population has two main reasons:

1. Big and iconic ships. Not everyone wants to play big ships with big guns, but this really contributes.

2. High survival abilities with high firepower - due to IRL natural specs. Of course if we were making fantasy MMO, we would try to avoid combining high tankiness with high firepower, but hey, we cannot give BBs 127 mm main guns and call it balance - because World of Warships is heavily based on history. We also cannot make them as powerful as they were IRL and limit them in some other way (for example, economically), because the core concept is the interaction of 4 peer game classes with as few artificial MM limitations as possible. Hence the gameplay limitations we have in core design: average accuracy, very limited secondary guns, fire & flooding mechanics, etc, etc.

There are two main directions we are going to keep BB in line and to keep the balance healthy:

1. Paying more attention to other classes. If you go through patch notes history over a year, you will find quite a lot of DD and cruiser buffs, and quite few BB buffs. They were not always direct - for example, new commander skill system actually favoured BBs less, forcing them to spec and be less universal. As for direct buffs, many cruisers were made much more viable.

2. Adding more counters to BBs, especially to passively playing BBs. AP bombs are one of the first implemented weapons, and they have all chances to be introduced on more CVs: Enterprise is kind of testing ground here. We think they are good, because they a). make horizontal armor count more in the game and b). due to stretched ellipse are more efficient against more stationary targets. We have two more BB-specific counters in development, and some other ideas in concept stage. This path seems slow, but healthy and user-friendly, because it can not only contribute to class balance, but also contribute to game diversity and other classes gameplay.

BB population itself is stable, without any growth over last year. To address this question I double-checked the popularity data from August 2016 to this date, and I can say that BB population fluctuates around 35%, depending on server, tier and month. However, even 35% is a bit too high - in our mind, the ideal number is 30%.







对其他舰种的加强。如果你去看看过去一年的那些更新你就会发现很多的DD和CA的buff和很少的BB buff。这些也不是直接性的—比如说新的指挥官技能让BB的获益减少,使她们专精于某一方面。至于那些直接性的,很多CA现在变得更加适合环境了。

增加更多的对抗BB的武器,特别是对付那些消极作战的BB的武器。AP航弹就是最早被实装的一个武器,而且它们会被装到更多的CV上:Enterprise就是这种武器的一个试验场。我们觉得AP航弹不错,因为a).使水平装甲在游戏中发挥了更重要的作用 b).拉长的散布椭圆使它更适合对抗那些不怎么移动的目标。我们现在还有其他两种对付BB的东西在开发中,另外一些还在概念阶段。这个进程看起来缓慢但是对玩家比较友好,因为这不仅可以促进舰种之间的平衡,也可以保证游戏多样性和其他舰种的游戏体验。


Sub Q: This is all excellent, and thanks for the detailed reply!

One quick question though, if there are 4 equally important game classes, shouldn't the target population for any given one be 25%? Why target 30% for BBs?

A:By equal I don't mean equal by number, but equal by opportunities and quality of life. We don't expect and don't want 25% of players to be interested in CVs - they are like a game in a game thing for more strategy oriented guys. Cheers!




Q: Why does the Kagero (and Akatsuki, to a lesser degree) have so little gun range? Up-to-date balancing or a legacy setting from before the stealth fire nerf? Stock gun range progression through her line is as follows:

Fubuki: 10.5 km

Akatsuki: 9.4 km

Kagero: 8.6 km

Yugumo: 10.9 km

Shimakaze: 11.4 km

A:Because basic firing range is calculated by universal formula (with FCS specs in mind), and then altered only if really needed gameplay-wise. Here, it is not needed gameplay-wise. The same reason Fuso stands out in range.


Fubuki: 10.5 km

Akatsuki: 9.4 km

Kagero: 8.6 km

Yugumo: 10.9 km

Shimakaze: 11.4 km


Sub Q1: Thanks for that information. So both get the same value as if they are spotting alone?




Sub Q 2: Does spotting bonus apply only when target is not visible to shooter? For example if enemy you are spotting fires its guns becoming directly detectable by the other ship shooting at it, the spotting bonus no longer applies?

A:Yes, if the shooter can see the target without your help, you don't get a bonus for the damage dealt in this state.



Q:Are you planning to introduce another premium Polish ship? Possibly Wicher-class destroyer?

A:Not in the near future, but hell, I would LOVE to play Wicher (and also Wicher-II: Assassin of Battleships and Wicher-III: Wild Torpedobeat).



Q:With the introduction of AP bombs on US CVs T7 and up, will the Saipan recieve them as well or not given the unique nature of the DB squadron?

A:Saipan, in our opinion, does not need any buffs or additional diversity.



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