[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15

2017-08-13 10:42:21 神评论

17173 新闻导语

战舰世界[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15

Q:When can we expect the RN BBs to be released? i have tried to find this in the questions already but there was nothing coming up. I feel like these have been coming since Christmas now and were in August with no sign of them. I have played against or with about 50 of them in battles now sailed by Testers etc. and im sure they were due in July?

A:We are finalizing them, and I think they will be released in one of the very nearest updates. We took our time, tested different features and loadouts, listened to testers and to the community. For now, the line looks very good. No cruiser consumables, decent AP, good HE, good concealment and heal on top tiers, slightly better (Warspite-like) heal on all other tiers, and yes, the gun choice on Conqueror - this is what the line may bring:) I ask you for a bit of patience - the official announcement and release are really near.



Q:first of all I would just like to say thank you! I really think it's awesome that you come here and do these QnAs on reddit, especially as I am led to belive you do it in your free time, I hope WGEU knows how lucky they are to have you.

**I would like to know if WG is working any new ribbons?**

You have mentioned here that spotting xp is earned by spotting an enemy for a teammate who doesn't have line of sight on him. (also that everyone who is spotting him get equal xp).

**Wouldn't it be possible to have a ribbon for every 1k or 5k damage that is caused by your spotting?**

**And also maybe a ribbon for the first person who spots an enemy ship?** So there would be 12 per side to get.

Perhaps give dds an xp boost for these ribbons (or all classes), because at the moment I feel dds are hard done by in xp gain and you are very reliant on getting torpedo hits. It might also help combat the very passive gameplay we have, by teaching players early on that getting up and into the battle is a reward in itself.

A:Oh, thanks, but, as these Q&A were success lately, now it's a part of my team job - to do Q&A here and an all servers from time to time. So don't worry about free time anymore - we are here, and we will pop up every 1-2 months:)

As for your question, and community-driven UI improvements in general, right now we're finalizing HAS and Radar circles on minimap - which was proposed here on Reddit a couple of months ago, as far as I remember. Then, we will discuss several more things, like spotting ribbon and maybe even spotting damage/potential damage counters.

However, I must ask for your patience, because such things (unfortunately) involve two most busy teams - UI and Game Logic. Almost every new feature requires these guys support, so they have a long queue of tasks, many of which are of highest priority (like Clan Battles).

Surely you can just not bother with this reasoning, but hey, this is how it works, so I really hope you understand:)

To sum up, your UI suggestion is good and we're thinking about it as well.

Economy is not and shouldn't be tied to ribbons directly, but it is balanced around the same game events. DDs, by the way, are already given some boost for spotting withing economic balancing in 0.6.7.












Q:1) is that you in the pic? ;p

2) is it addressed in any way, that the Graf Zeppelin has carapults? Like planes starting from the catapults instead of rolling on the deck. Or with a faster plane starting time?

Because of the time at her initial commission date, she would have been the only carrier with 2 catapults and where planes could start and land at the same time. Which would give her a advantage over others who were just floating decks.

A:1. Nah, that's the reason I am still sane and happy :D

2. Not now, but I can say that she's WIP, and we are still playing around with different options. Your suggestion is interesting, we will consider it. Thanks!

Q:1).照片里的那个是你吗?;p (这个是那个贴子的镇楼图)



A:1.啊,那是我现在还保持着理智且开心的原因 :D


Q:I'd like to address some perceived issues I have about the Commander skill tree. In my opinion, some skills are making it hard for you to balance ships.

IFHE is too good on CA's with 152-155mm guns. The main weakness of the lower caliber is gone, and they enjoy penetration values similar to 200+mm guns, while only suffering a small penalty to fire chance. I feel this strength is too overpowered on certain CA's, for example, Belfast or Kutuzov. What's the point of playing a 203mm CA now if a 152mm CA can output more damage with their faster firing guns?

For example, Kutuzov guns have 8s reload, 12 barrels, and 26400 alpha damage per salvo, for a total of 224,400 potential DPM.

Atago on the other hand, reloads in 16s, 10 barrels, 33000 alpha salvo damage, and 158,000 potential DPM.

Looking at the numbers, it's clear Kutuzov with IFHE, while having the same penetration values as Atago, will clearly do much more damage to armored targets. IFHE basically removed the one weakness of lower caliber guns, and thus unlocked their full DPM value whereas prior to this, some of your shells would shatter and thus the DPM would be similar to a cruiser with higher caliber guns.

Of course, this isn't even considering all the other things Kutuzov has like 19.1km range, smoke, and good anti-air.

Before IFHE, cruisers were differentiated well- CL's with 152-155mm guns would shoot more rapidly, but be less effective against armored targets and better against less armored targets (like DD's or other CA's), whereas 203mm CA's were slower firing, but heavy alpha damage and more effective versus BB's. Now it's simply the case that a CL does everything better than a CA, which simply doesn't make sense.

Are you all looking into this?

A:Yes. We have slightly different view on that, but overall, yes, that'll be addressed along with smoke change. We don't mind IFHE current efficiency, but we would like to make IFHE camping less efficient.


IFHE对152-155mm的CA来说实在提升太大了,小口径最大的劣势就因此消失了,而且这些船只需要稍微降低点火率就可以拥有接近200+mm炮的穿深。我觉得这东西对某些CA来说是过强了,比如说Belfast 和 Kutuzov。如果一艘152炮的CA可以靠更快的射速制造更多的伤害,你为什么还要去玩203mm的CA呢?

举个例子,Kutuzov 8秒装填,12门炮,一轮齐射的alpha伤害为16400,潜在DPM为224400







Q:By economy do you also mean xp gain? or just credits? What I meant was that DDs seem to be lower down in team rankings at the end (Sidenote: I am CL main).What I meant was, I feel as if DD who is doing well for his team, (you know spotting and smoking) doesn't really get any feedback at the moment from the game that he/she is contributing to the team if his torps keep missing. And ribbons would help negate this.But I think you understood, I'm just crap at explaining things.Thanks again for the answer.

Sub A:No, your explanation is good, and I argee that we need more in-battle feedback, and we will work on it:)

By economy I normally mean both credits and XP.




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