Reddit Q&A16 (头晕翻完最后的1/3)

2017-10-02 19:05:36 神评论

17173 新闻导语

战舰世界 Reddit Q&A16 (头晕翻完最后的1/3)

Clan Battles

Q: Can we learn final results for clan battle test? Please give us some spoiler about ship limitations or other things? What do you think about it?

A: We're finalizing it now. I think it's safe to say we will tell you much more on Monday in a separate article:)




Clan Oil

Q: For playing in a clan, wouldnt it be a good addition to motivate players to actually play with their clan mates now? I see more and more clans being created just for grinding the unlocks of the base (which is to be expected) but those players never play the game together, they only join and then play alone or in divisions, so the oil gets contributed to the clan but nothing else is going on. Maybe a bonus % on the oil being earned when you actually play with a clanmate? Something like a permament mission that is "win a battle with atleast one clanmate in your team = 1 oil". SOURCE

A: Thank you for your suggestion. It's quite interesting, and while I'm not sure our competitive designers hadn't thought about it already, I will discuss this. But yes, Clan Battles should be quite motivating.



Q: Is it intented that purchased containers (right now, Anniversary containers on the webshops) reward 10 oil each? Doesnt that in a way enable people to pay real money to build up their clan base faster than others? Or is that a bug that might be fixed with the next bunch of paid containers coming? If it is intended, i can hear people crying "pay to win" again and such (sure, not win but advance much faster, the usual pitchforks) and i have seen comments about this already here. SOURCE

A: It is intended, however, only for unified approach - if you win or get a container in any in-game event, it will work the same. We absolutely don't expect anyone to buy the containers because of 10 oil only. On the other hand, if the oil was missing from premium shop containers exclusively, that would be quite weird, in our opinion.



Deep Water torps and Water depth

Q: Does the game model sea level depth to what extent? Meaning here that would the DW torps hit the sea bottom in certain shallow places where normal torps could still pass? SOURCE

A: No shallows for torpedoes are planned, it's about pure torpedo-target interaction.



AP Bombs and CV div

Q1/2: Given how we have exposure to AP dive bombs now (from both GZ and enterprise), how is their performance with regards to automatic, manual, and panicked drops? As it is now, the autodrops are far too effective in relation SOURCE

A1/2: I am not ready to share the stats. However, I think we will report the state of GZ test in a dedicated FB groupr when we're done with the first stage.



Q2/2: What is your/WG's perception of CV divisions? Specifically divisions where a CV brings 2 (unicum or not) AA ships, thereby guaranteeing the presence of excellent AA on at least 1 flank with no such guarantee for the opposite team. This is very unfun to face as an opposing solo CV, as you surrender control of the air on 1 flank immediately regardless of skill level. Starting at T6, every tier can have such divisions. This is particularly annoying when the AA range (damage likely compounded with MAA) exceeds the air detection range. I think forcing CV divs to always meet CV divs would be good start.

A2/2: Divisions (as well as other forms of coordinated teamplay) are very strong in our game overall, not only CV/AA. We would "nerf" them a bit actually, but point is, it's hard to nerf them without severely hurting in-game socialization.



Compliments to Sub_Octavian!

Q: No questions but just want to compliment you on the very nice anniversary special we got! It was very well designed and really drew me back in the game. In-game campaigns and proper specials (viz. Bismarck campaign, Dunkirk special, anniversary special) are the highlights for me in this game! Hope you can keep this stuff up and throw a special/campaign like those every 2 months!

A: Hello. My part was the collection design, and I am happy to know you enjoyed it. I will pass your feedback to the whole B-Day group, because yes, I feel we did it right.



Ranked Reward Ship

Q: are you allowed to give hints about the next ranked reward ship?

A: I would hint it, but I don't know yet :D


A如果我知道的话我会给你提供一些信息,但是我也什么都不知道 :D

Stealth AA

Q: Will Stealth AA ever be given the same treatment as Stealth Firing? Having your planes chewed up by ships you can't see is extremely frustrating.

A: Yes. We know, and sorry for the bad experience. I cannot promise you the exact time, but it should be done around 0.6.13-0.6.14.



Q: Right now we see a lot of complaints about underwater citadels in battleships. While I can see that you are looking to enable more aggressive battleship play to change the passivity that was much complained about, don't you think that it creates a risk-reward issue? Battleships' main armour belt used to be a target with high risk (difficult to penetrate) for high reward (citadel damage), but now they are high risk for no reward as you won't get anything better than penetrations.

A: If we're talking about RN BBs, then, we will get back to them when the data size is enough, and player distribution is similar to older lines. If we're talking about the recent Montana/Iowa debate, to say that, but the community insisted (heavily) we lower their citadels, and the reasons were decent. You can still deal significant damage to them, and sailing broadside is still a huge risk. I don't see any problem with it - but there are other, more class-specific problems, like excessive AP damage to DDs or issues with some cruisers' survival ability.



CV rework

Q: Wanna throw us a bone what kind of goals you have for the planned CV balance? I am not asking about "what stats you would change", but where you see CVs after the rebalance.

A: Hello. I know that 2017 was not fruitful for CV improvements - many things went slower than we expected. Right now, what we're doing is preparing a couple of bug fixes, and still working on USN overspecialization and USN/IJN balance. I hope we'll issue some tweaks this year. However, I'm often asked about some global CV rework (along with related AA). What I can say is that we actually want to try something completely new - not just tweaks, but some major overhaul. And finally, we're able to allocate resources to this task. You should realize that any major overhaul requires a lot of planning, prototyping, internal tests, external tests and support on release to be successful. It's safe to say that we're on prototyping stage now, and we're excited to go on in 2018. For now, I cannot tell you more.



Muting Players

Q: When are we finally getting the option to mute other players from voice commands? (F-commands) SOURCE

A: Hello. Frankly speaking, I don't recall this question either, and was unaware this is a big issue. However, what you're saying makes sense. I've just passed this to UI team, and they have put it in their "possible improvements" queue - which does not guarantee changes are coming soon, but it will be properly discussed. Thank you!




Q: The "paintings" (like this one ) on the portal for the weekly missions, calendar, specials,... Who makes them, and how are they being made? And will there be, somewhere in the future, a dedicated corner where we can enjoy those artworks in high(er) sizes & resolution, without text in front of it?

A: Our 2D Art team makes them. Mostly, they are based on 3D source models with lots of after editing. As for the corner, I will pass your idea to my colleagues. Apparently the media section of the website is not detailed enough. Thanks you!



Data stuff

Q1/7: There was quite a bit of discussion in the last weeks about mid/high tier cruisers. Are you currently satisfied with them and it's only a few single ships that maybe need a buff, or is there something general amiss here. SOURCE

A1/7: T9-10 cruisers are fine (especially if BBs efficiency is controlled a bit, and that we're going to do). Mid cruisers could use some love. But the most tricky part that there may be CL vs CA issues within.



Q2/7: How satsified are you with the statistics from the USN BBs with regards to survivabilty (lowered citadel) and how does it work with the problem of 'too many BBs' being around.

A2/7: USN BB experience has improved. Of course it contributed to BB class problem a bit (like, now we have a couple of more comfortable BBs - it naturally makes BB class better to some extent as a whole), however, it mostly revolves about BB vs BB balance. The change was implemented long time ago, and was widely welcomed. I think bringing it up and trying to pose it as an issue is a bit like witch hunting - yes, there are BB class balance problems, but it doesn't mean any BB improvement is bad.



Q3/7: Ev1n spoke about, that in his opinion the Conquerer is probably in need of a nerf. What was the reasoning behind giving the RN BBs so over the top fire chance and HE Alpha DMG and how/why do you (WG statistics/game balance) think it'll break any 'Bow on' meta

A3/7: I don't know whether we will have to nerf Conqueror, or other newly introduced ships at this early stage, when the playerbase is not settled. When we have solid data, we may apply some tweaks. The reasoning was that a ship should have a few strengths - and for UK BBs, HE shell is one of them, also fitting to the lore.



Q4/7: More and more people say (and I agree) that HE playing BBs remove the skill about aiming and ammo choice? How does WG incentivize players to work more for skill and ammo choice if plain HE spam works well enough for RN BBs?

A4/7: Maximum efficiency can be reached only when using appropriate ammo. And that's cool. Sometimes this rule does not work correctly - e.g., overall, BBs are too good with their APs against DDs - and that will hopefully be fixed. If someone wants to play AP or HE only, it's the choice that will work, but such player will do worse than the player who switches ammo depending on situation.



Q5/7: What was the reasoning behind banning T5 ships from the PvE operations?

A5/7: This was a popular request, and overall, it was reasonable - one tier operations allows better balance.



Q6/7: Any ideas on what/how to expand the naval base? Both optical (moving cars, other visual stuff) and economical (small boosts or maybe a clan bank)?

A6/7: It's just been released. I think it's a bit early to elaborate on future plans.



Q7/7: Any chance Zao get's a small reload OR turret angle OR torp angle buff? Given that she has the lowest base reload of all T10s...

A7/7: I don't think so, because Zao is doing good.



Q1/8: Might the Campbeltown receive the single torp launch option to be on par with the other RN ships? SOURCE

A1/8: Well, she looks fine as she is.



Q2/8: So far, what does your official data say about the balance of the RN BBs?

A2/8: That it's too early to draw solid conclusions for high-mid tiers. For low tiers, only Orion is showing some excessive WR, and in terms of damage, yes, they can score good absolute damage numbers with HE, but other low-mid tier BBs can actually do the similar stuff. So, we're ready to react, but right now there are no nerfs incoming.



Q3/8: Might optionnal hulls come for the premiums? (like a zero AA Yubari with 6x140mm) Any candidates?

A3/8: Not planned to do it widely, but there are no severe restrictions either - e.g. Harekaze.



Q4/8: Any plans to allow RAN ships to train RN captains? Unless you have plans for a RAN tree (do you?), the Aussie ships -Vampire included- are useless as captain trainers, which discourage players to get one. :/

A4/8: No such plans.



Q5/8: Could you tell me which are the ships you are currently considering as "in need of some love" (premiums included)?

A5/8: Mahan can use some direct buff. DDs can use BB AP damage reduction (and I hope they will). USN CVs can use some balancing. CVs in general can use some attention to their overall gameplay.



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