[最新消息]Sub_Octavian Reddit QA #15
Q: Where is the carrier rework that was promised before "any more premium carriers"? We've gotten Kaga, Enterprise, and Graf Zeppeli...[详细]
[情报消息]Q&A 美航将会获得AP航弹
1.Developers don't like the disbalance between IJN and USN CVs - one of the possible solutions is to rebalance all setups and add AP b...[详细]
[情报消息]5.23 QA 高校舰队联动 美战修改
HSF Graf Spee at 5100 doubloonsHSF Harekaze price is set at 8900 doubloons-Harekaze is based on a stock Kagero, with identical stat...[详细]
战舰世界 [情报消息] 05/12 QA 美服官网
链接:https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/answer-is-42/Q:Why is there no ribbon for non-damaging module penetratio...[详细]
各位玩家还沉浸在国庆节假期中之时,勤劳而又刻苦的毛子,已经开始着手0513的更新了(主要是他们不在中国国庆节放假)。 今天凌晨看了看gamemodels3d,发现网站已经悄然更新了0513版本,本来是等着国内某知名...[详细]
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